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Bill heard the words "lime-light" and "large sheet," and thought they must be planning a magic-lantern exhibition, but was puzzled by catching the word "turnip." At last, as he was rounding the corner of the bed of geraniums, he distinctly heard Mr. Bartram ask, "They cut the man's head off, didn't they?" Then they were talking about the ghost, after all!

It also withstands the frosts remarkably, being a hardy plant. It yields a somewhat richer quality of milk than the ordinary turnip, and the crop is generally admitted to be as abundant and profitable. Very large crops of it have been produced by the ordinary turnip or cabbage cultivation.

"I am all right now," was the somewhat shaky reply. "Got a head like a turnip and a tongue like a lime-kiln, but I'm beginning to feel myself." "How's your memory?" "Hazy. Let me see.... My God, I've been robbed, haven't I!" "So I imagine," Lutchester replied. "You rather asked for it, didn't you?" Graham moved uneasily in his place.

TURNIP PIE. Season some mutton chops with salt and pepper, reserving the ends of the neck bones to lay over the turnips, which must be cut into small dice, and put on the steaks. Add two or three spoonfuls of milk, also a sliced onion if approved, and cover with a crust.

She rose and received him courteously; apologised for the absence of the host and his niece, supposed he would feel inclined to retire early, as doubtless he would wish to rise at the dawn of day, to avail himself of the excellent shooting which was to be had in the turnip fields, and was altogether very chatty and agreeable; but she in no way alluded to the letter she had written, to him, he was therefore compelled to broach the subject, and before the supper bell rang, a mutual understanding as to what was to be said and done was arrived at between them.

The branches of this curious tree afforded low perches, upon which the natives frequently squatted, after the fashion of their race, and smoked and gossiped by the hour. We had a good breakfast of fish speared by the natives, before sunrise, on the reef pudding of Indian turnip, fried bananas, and roasted bread-fruit. During the repast, our new friends were quite sociable and communicative.

The old man did his best, and by evening the top of the dovecot was covered with earth, and he had sown it with turnip seed. Next day, and the day after that and every day, the old woman scolded the old man till he went up to the dovecot to see how those turnip seeds were getting on. "Are they ready to eat yet?" "They are not ready to eat." "Is the green sprouting?" "The green is sprouting."

I'll have my hare." "Don't get excited, young man don't be savage, I beg of you; for, as sure as I am a sinner, you'll have a crop of pimples on your nose to-morrow, and red pimples on the nose are not pretty." "Keep your jokes to yourself, old man, or on my honour you shall repent it!" "Ha! ha! ha!" grinned the Père Séguin, "Ha! ha! ha! capital turnip." "Houp! houp! houp!" went the dog.

When the plants began to come up, he thought they looked kind of queer, but he waited until they grew larger, and then, as he felt certain something was wrong, he sent for a professional gardener to make an examination. "Mr. Hoops," he said, "cast your eye over those turnips and tell me what you think is the matter with them." "Turnip!" exclaimed Hoops. "Turnip!

And so may I, who love as well as any man to have in my own family the power in the last resort, take a turnip, then tie a string to it, and call it a watch, and turn away all my servants, if they refuse to call it so too.