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'I am sorry you have nothing to say to bonnie Dundee, said Elizabeth, 'for really, between the Whiggery and stupidity of England, and the wickedness of France, good people are scarce from Charles the Martyr to George the Third. How I hate that part of history! Oh! but there were Prince Eugene and the Vicomte de Turenne.

"The king starts to-morrow, my dear daughter," writes Madame de Sevigne to Madame de Grignan on the 27th of April "there will be a hundred thousand men out of Paris; the two armies will form a junction; the king will command Monsieur, Monsieur the prince, the prince M. de Turenne, and M. de Turenne the two marshals and even the army of Marshal Crequi.

And with Vauban to build his defences, Turenne and Luxembourg and the great Condé to lead his armies, it is not strange that there were victories. The four great wars of Louis' reign were not for theatrical effect, like that of the fanciful Charles VIII. in Italy. They were all in pursuance of a serious and definite purpose.

"Read and RE-READ," said Napoleon, "the eighty-eight campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus, Turenne, Eugene, and Frederick. Take them as your models, for it is the only means of becoming a great leader, and of mastering the secrets of the art of war. Your intelligence, enlightened by such study, will then reject methods contrary to those adopted by these great men."

I said that I was informed a declaration had been issued the night before at Saint Germain against M. de Turenne, as guilty of high treason.

It is an interesting old place, with a moat all around it and high solid stone walls, where one still sees the hole that was made in the wall by a cannon-ball sent by Marechal de Turenne as he was passing with his troops, as a friendly souvenir to the owner, with whom he was not on good terms.

Thus, within these walls, the valor of WASHINGTON attracts the regard of CONDÉ; his modesty is applauded by TURENNE; his philosophy draws him to the bosom of CATINAT. A people who admit the ancient dogma of a transmigration of souls will often confess that the soul of Catinat dwells in the bosom of Washington.

He quietly whispered to Turenne, Sully, and a few others of his most intimate friends, requesting them to escape from the room, gather around them such armed men as they could, and join him at a rendezvous in the country.

As soon as he arrived at Bapaume, he changed horses; the commander of this place showed him the greatest respect, assuring him that no person had yet passed; that he would keep the secret, and that he would retain all that followed him, except the couriers of Monsieur de Turenne.

No doubt it would be a great advantage to you to study the position beforehand." "Well, sir, we will see about getting our disguises at once." "I will give you an order on the paymaster for a hundred crowns for special service," Turenne said.