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It was all pink-colored, too, with stripes, and he saw that it was built of peppermint! He was minded to eat it as Hansel and Gretel had eaten their sugar house, but he didn't, because Ping Pong said it was sacred. On a throne of stone, inside the Pagoda, sat an old jolly Billiken, also of stone, and shaped just like an egg, with his hands across his tummy and his legs crossed under him.

He stuffs sometimes, until his little tummy is as tight as a drum, and I verily believe he could eat his own weight in chocolate blanc-mange, if I'd let him. Eating, with him, is now a serious business, demanding no interruptions or distractions. Once he's decently filled, however, his greediness takes the form of exterior application.

"Felicity, if I die from the effects of eating sawdust pudding, flavoured with needles, you'll be sorry you ever said such a thing to your poor old uncle," said Uncle Roger reproachfully. "Even if there were no needles in it, sixty-year-old sawdust can't be good for my tummy. I daresay it wasn't even clean." "Well, you know every one has to eat a peck of dirt in his life," giggled Felicity.

For one instant the Harvester thought this was going into the fire, the next a slice was picked up and smelled testily. The Girl sat on her grandfather's chair arm, and breaking a morsel of toast dipped it into the broth and tasted it. "Oh but that is good!" she cried. "Why haven't I some also? Am I supposed to have no 'tummy'?"

Dat li'l tummy o' yourn 'll be pow'ful mad 'cause yo' didn' " "Very well, Aunt Fanny, you can run along and have the woman put up a breakfast for us and we'll eat it on the road. I positively refuse to eat another mouthful in that awful dining-room. I'll be down in ten minutes." She was down in less. Sleep, no matter how hard-earned, had revived her spirits materially.

All he lacked to go on the wagon was an address tag and a "Prepaid" label gummed on his tummy. "Sorry," says Yohness, rollin' him into the shrubbery with his toe, "but you mustn't act so mussy when the young lady has a caller." "Ah! Eso es espantoso!" says Donna Mario, meaning that now he had spilled the beans for fair. "You must fly. I must we must both flee." "Oh, very well," says Yohness.

Griddle-cakes with lashin's of butter and sugar on 'em, I wager." "Dear me!" sighed Helen, as Ruth, too, got out, laughing. "You are incurable, Jennie. Your goddess is your tummy." But the plump girl was not at all abashed. She ran up the walk on to the porch and warmly greeted the little old woman who stood in the doorway. "How-do, Jennie. Oh, my back and oh, my bones! Be careful, child!

"Where did you hear all that?" asked his friend, apparently busy inspecting a half-dozen beaver furs. "And Whaley, for damages to his internal machinery. Don't you know you can't catapult through a man's tummy with a young pine tree and not injure his physical geography?" the constable reproached. "When you're through spoofin' me, as you subjects of the Queen call it," suggested Tom.

"Does one call him 'your Grace, or 'your Royal Highness'? Oh for a thousandth-part of the unblushing impertinence of that countrywoman of mine who called your future king 'Tummy'! but she was a beauty, and I am not pretty enough to be anything but discreetly well-mannered. Shall you sit in his presence, or stand and grovel alternately? Does one have to curtsy?

I can't get up. My tummy won't let me." "Oh, Julian, why do you do it?" said Mrs. Lorimer, in great distress. "You know what your father said the last time." She bent over him. Julian was her favourite of them all. But he turned his face sharply to avoid her kiss. "Don't, Mater! I don't feel up to it. I can't jaw either. I believe those dashed cigars were poisoned.