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So Richard's letter only had it hot; it went into the fire, and Bab never read the petition of her poor friend. The next morning Richard went to the shop, and fell to the first job that came to his hand. He acquainted his father with Lestrange's proposal in regard to the library: Mr. Tuke would have him accept it. "You shall have all it brings," he said.

Neither looked round: the blacksmith was minding his pony and the clergy, and the twenty pounds in Richard's heart were making it sing a new song. What a thing is money even, with God in it. The horseman came alongside the cart, and slackened his pace! "Sir Wilton wants to see Mr. Tuke again," he said. "He made a mistake in the cheque he gave him." An arrow of fear shot through Richard's heart.

When he was about seventeen, Richard settled down to work with his father, occasionally assisting him, but in general occupied with his own special branch, in which Tuke, through his long connection with book-lovers possessing small cherished libraries, was able to bring him almost as many jobs as he could undertake.

At the 'Change, I did at my bookseller's shop accidentally fall into talk with Sir Samuel Tuke about trees, and Mr. Evelyn's garden; and I do find him, I think, a little conceited, but a man of very fine discourse as any I ever heard almost, which I was mighty glad of.

"Boy Scouts?" "Yes, thirty of them came to rescue us while the water was only waist- high; then it rose another three feet or so and we had to rescue them. We're giving them hot baths in batches and drying their clothes in the hot-air cupboard, but, of course, drenched clothes don't dry in a minute, and the corridor and staircase are beginning to look like a bit of coast scenery by Tuke.

"You won't trust me, Richard! My own father is a blacksmith: why should I look down upon a dressmaker?" "That's just what I think, mother! Why?" "I don't!" returned Mrs. Tuke and there she paused: another step might bring her to the edge of the gulf!

John Tuke, being a clever man without a spark of genius, worshipped faculty as he called it worshipped it where he was most familiar with it that is, in his own mind and its operations, in his own hands and their handiwork.

"If sir Wilton Lestrange were to come into the room this minute, you would offer him a chair; his children you would order out of the house!" "I wouldn't do that," said Mrs. Tuke. "Mother, you turned them out of the house! I beg your pardon, mother, but you know it was the same thing! You visited the sins of the father on the children!"

Now, mark what I say: I feel morally certain that this Richard, as you call him, is that same child, and heir to all the Lestrange property! That woman, Tuke what a name! she's the nurse that carried him off; and who knows but the man married her for the chance of what the child's succession might bring them!

If this is replaced by stone banks the birds and the fish will move elsewhere. Mr. J.E. Vincent tells me that in 1902 the herons were heard as far down the river as Chelsea. In the beautiful grounds of Chiswick House, where the present occupier, Dr. T. Tuke, carefully preserves all wild birds.