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Up till then she had been only tranquil; and her tranquillity made each small act exquisite and delightful, as her fingers tugged at the weeds, and shook the earth from their weak roots, and the palms of her hand smoothed over the places where they had been.

The worthy lawyer tugged at the magistrate's sleeve; prudence yielded, and there are bounds to severity, too. "Very well, the lawyer will taste the wine, but I am no drinker." Topándy whispered some words in his butler's ears, whereupon that worthy suddenly disappeared.

You're not O'Roon, but it seems to me if you'd lean to the right you could reach the reins of that foolish slow-running bay ah! you're all right; O'Roon couldn't have done it more neatly!" The runaway team was tugged to an inglorious halt by Remsen's tough muscles. The driver released his hands from the wrapped reins, jumped from his seat and stood at the heads of the team.

Already the ice cementing the logs together had begun to weaken. The ice had wrenched and tugged savagely at the locked timbers until they had, with a mighty effort, snapped asunder the bonds of their hibernation. Now a narrow lane of black rushing water pierced the rollways, to boil and eddy in the consequent jam three miles below.

Peggy pulled and tugged, while Rosalind stood watching, laughing her aggravating, patronising little laugh, and dropping a word of instruction from time to time. And then, quite suddenly, a dreadful thing happened.

He tugged and pulled, but could get only the top and bottom hooks unclasped; the middle ones refused to budge. "I can't get these-here hooks to come loose," Billy said. Jimmy put his short, fat arms around him and tried his hand, but with no better success. The stays were such a snug fit that the hooks seemed glued.

So they went off and stirred up the people: and the end was that one sunshiny morning a dirty rabble marched up to the mill and laid hands on the saint. On what charge, do you think? Why, for Being without Visible Means of Support! "There's me pethrifyin' spicimins!" cried the saint: and he tugged at one of the ropes that stretched down into the Lough.

And again, enraged, he tugged with all his might a dozen times at the bell. He must certainly be a man of authority and an intimate acquaintance. At this moment light hurried steps were heard not far off, on the stairs. Someone else was approaching. Raskolnikov had not heard them at first.

Alix looked up at the outward curve of the reversed branches, bent almost to the splitting point in the unfamiliar direction, and whistled. She tentatively tugged at a loose spray, and stood biting her thumb. "Why it should have kept its place for fifteen years and then suddenly flopped, is a mystery to me!" she observed resentfully.

The sheikh was heard by the rest of the community, who now gathered round us, delighted at being able to renew their insults, some of them pulling off our caps, while others tugged away at our jackets and pinched us as before, even spitting at us in their fury. At length Antonio stalked out of the tent, casting malignant glances at us as he passed.