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He had had nothing to do with the actual stealing of them, but he had, with the assistance of his Mexican companion Posmo, engineered the sale to a rancher living out of Tucson. It was understood that the horses would find their way across the border. Now Panhandle was broke again.

"Tommy," proffered Billy Ellis dreamily, "when you go to Tucson next you watch out until you sees a little, squint-eyed Britisher. Take a look at him. Then come away. He says he don't know nothin' about poker. Mebbe he don't, but he'll outhold a warehouse." But here Senor Johnson broke in: "Billy, you're just in time. Jed has hurt his foot and can't get on for a week yet.

I was full of an idle interest and disposed to go further into the affairs of Tutt and Tucson Jennie. "Doc Peets," continued the old gentleman, "allers tells me on the side thar's nothin' in Dave's conduct onbecomin' a fam'ly man that a-way, an' that Jen's simply barkin' at a knot. But, however that is, Dave don't seem to gain no comfort of it at the time.

"Three in this game would make it odd, Tucson," he said quietly. "If there's goin' to be any shootin', let's have an even break, anyway." Tucson's hand fell away from his holster; he stepped back toward the door, away from the range boss and Ferguson. Leviatt's face had crimsoned. "Mebbe I was runnin' a little bit wild " he began. "That's comin' down right handsome," said Ferguson.

But once such a gun is broken, where can they get another? They cannot walk into Tubacca or Tucson to buy what they need. Kitchell’s men do, perhapsit is thought that they do so. Also when he trades at the border it is with men who would meet the Apaches with fire and bullets. Apache war parties are never large.

The mines in the hills behind producing wealth, the fact that it was a watering place on two cross-country routesthe one from Tucson down into Sonora of Old Mexico, the other into Californiahad all fed its growth.

Now, when you go to Dugout City next you might wire the president of the S.B. & L. railroad, at Denver, or the president of the A.G. & N.M., at Tucson, Arizona, and ask those gentlemen whether we are in the habit of making good on large pay." "How much will you young men want?"

It's capital we want, Stanley not money. I could get a little money myself down at Tucson. Them two honest men of mine live there. We used to steal cattle together down on the Concho the sheriff and José Benavides and me. I aim to feed 'em a slice of my share, anyway but what they could put in wouldn't be a drop in the bucket. We want to go after capital. There's where you come in.

"'Which I won't say that this exodus is necessary, observes Enright, when ten miles out we slows up to a road gait to breathe our ponies, 'but I thinks on the whole it's safer. Besides, I oughter go over to Tucson anyway on business. "The rest of us don't make no remarks nor excooses; but every gent is feelin' like a great personal peril has blown by.

The vague impulses of many days crystallized suddenly into a resolution. "Anyhow I'm goin' to try. Soon as the rodeo is over I'm goin' to hit the trail for the big town." "Tucson?" interpreted Johnnie dubiously. "New York." The bow-legged little puncher looked at his friend and gasped. Denver was the limit of Johnnie's imagination.