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Many a wise and a witty word uttered over their wine came back to me then; and I was wondering to myself what new plot had been brewing between my godfather and Uncle Tucher, whereas I had marked them laying their heads together, when behold, the stable-lad from the Tuchers' coming down the street, leading my own dear bayhorse; and as I saw him closer I beheld that his mane and flowing tail were plaited up with fine red ribbons.

Hereupon we were instructed by that learned man, Master Eberhard Windecke, who was well-read in the history of all the world he had come to Nuremberg as a commissioner of finance from his Majesty, and Uncle Tucher had brought him forth to the Forest he, I say, instructed us that the forefather of this King Janus of Cyprus had seized upon the crown of Jerusalem at the time of the crusades, during the lifetime of the mighty Sultan Saladin, by poison and perjury, and had then bartered it with the English monarch Richard Coeur de lion, in exchange for the Kingdom of Cyprus.

She told of a monstrous moon-drunken world, then she described Columbine, a dandy, a pale washer-woman "Eine blasse Wäscherin wäscht zur Nachtzeit bleiche Tücher" and always with a refrain, for Guiraud employs the device to excess. It is the decomposition of the art, I thought, as I held myself in my seat. Of course, I meant decomposition of tones, as the slang of the ateliers goes.

It shows two large and graceful figures, Mary and the Angel Gabriel, the subject being the Annunciation. A wreath of angels and flowers surrounds the whole, with small medallions representing the seven joys of the Virgin. It is a masterly work, and was presented by Anton Tucher in 1518.

On our Lady's Visitation, as I was just about to leave Antwerp, the King of Denmark sent to me to come to him at once, and take his portrait, which I did in charcoal. I also did that of his servant Anton, and I was made to dine with the King, and he behaved graciously towards me. I have entrusted my bale to Leonhard Tucher and given over my white cloth to him.

Two and two Tucher and Schilrstab Groland and Stromer; and the sixth couple were Ann and I Ann as the daughter of a member of the council and my godfather it was, besides her sweet face, who had done most to get her chosen. Noble youths clad as pages in velvet and silks had received the flowers offered by the damsels; but as Ann and I stood forth, the Emperor and Empress looked down on us.

Two and two Tucher and Schilrstab Groland and Stromer; and the sixth couple were Ann and I Ann as the daughter of a member of the council and my godfather it was, besides her sweet face, who had done most to get her chosen. Noble youths clad as pages in velvet and silks had received the flowers offered by the damsels; but as Ann and I stood forth, the Emperor and Empress looked down on us.