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I should have little confidence in the forbearance of my auditors: Mademoiselle Viefville would hardly forgive me: were I to attempt a criticism on the first, for instance." "C'est impossible! you could not, Monsieur Blunt; vous parlez trop bien Francais not to love Paris." "I do love Paris, mademoiselle; and, what is more, I love Londres, or even la Nouvelle Yorck.

Stuart had closed with the offer, when suddenly the man was seized at the instance of the French ambassador, and his papers were searched. In this case there were none that compromised Stuart, and his career was not cut short in the ignominious manner that befell Drake, over whom there may be inscribed as epitaph the warning which Talleyrand gave to young aspirants "et surtout pas trop de zèle."

When Mme de Sévigné, in 1675, received the third edition of the Duke's book, which contained more than seventy new maxims, she wrote, "Some of them are divine; some of them, I am ashamed to say, I don't understand." Probably she would have partly agreed with some one's criticism of them, "De l'esprit, encore de l'esprit, et toujours de l'esprit trop d'esprit!"

At first I went but rarely to their house, feeling myself de trop. But, somehow, they attracted me to their home; they were constantly inviting me, and seemed very fond of me. Consequently, by degrees, I allowed myself to be allured by the charm of their life.

"Mille graces, Madame; vous etes trop aimable," I said gallantly, and took off my cap. Fruen turned round and stared at me in astonishment; the look on her face was comical to see. We were shown into the kitchen and given an excellent meal. Fruen went indoors.

There had begun boiling and seething in Miss Stevens a feeling that she was decidedly de trop, that these men could talk their absorbing business more freely if she were not there; not because she embarrassed them, but because she used up space! Nobody seemed to give her a thought. Nobody seemed to be aware that she was present.

He clung to the romantic utility of this when the day, or rather the night, should arrive for their escape. For the first time, in this complicated connexion, our friend felt his collar gall him. It was, as he had said to Mrs. Moreen in Venice, trop fort everything was trop fort.

In this case Maryan, without knowing why, did not applaud his friend. "C'est crane, mais trop cochon," judged he, and he pouted a little at the baron, but looked with curiosity at his sister, also present in the theatre. Irene sat in her box as usual, calm and full of distinction, a little formal, never charmed with anything, or laughing at anything.

I went to join the Earl and the children, and we waited almost in silence, for no one seemed inclined to talk, and Bruno was half-asleep on Sylvie's lap till the others joined us. No telegram had come. "I'll take a stroll with the children," I said, feeling that we were a little de trop, "and I'll look in, in the course of the evening."

She endeavored to atone by a gracious, very sincere modesty, for the enviable position in which chance had suddenly placed her. It was said of her that she accepted a compliment as timidly as a boarding-school miss receives a prize. They forgave her for retaining her rosy cheeks because of her white and exquisitely shaped hands. She was not considered to be "trop de Grenoble."