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She took her Bible, which still wore the genteel, unsullied dress of a stranger, and turned to the place she wished to read. She had not got beyond the text of Sunday: "The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshiper shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth." She pondered the text. "Shall worship the Father," she mused. "Oh, how sweet!

"I lived in fear, but my fear was not for myself. Had I been alone, nothing would have mattered after your mother died. But my fear was for you and of you. I was afraid your life would be blasted; I was in terror lest you should hate and despise me when you learned the truth. So I sought to conceal it." "You had no need to fear that." "I see it now.

As to the novel as a whole, I will make here only one observation, not to forestall the reader's own impressions. Turgenev is a realist in the sense that he keeps close to reality, truth, and nature. But in the pursuit of photographic faithfulness to life, he never allows himself to be tedious and dull, as some of the best representatives of the school think it incumbent upon them to be.

Of a truth we are to King Sulayman Shah of the number of his subjects, and we shall be ennobled by his alliance and we covet it ardently; for my daughter is a handmaid of his handmaidens, and it is my dearest desire that he may become my stay and my reliable support."

Why should people have these things to harm each other with when they are in truth all brothers? 'Why are they all brothers, little mistress? asked Reuben. 'Because granny says that they are all the children of the great Father, she answered. 'If they have all one father they must be brothers, mustn't they?

We should do unwisely to think of the Kingdom of Heaven only as a kingdom, and not also as a marriage-feast, a net, a treasure, a mustard-seed, a field, and so forth, since each figure supplies some element lost in the others, and all together are nearer to the truth than any one: and so, although the married love of Mary and Joseph is one of the fullest revealed images of God's relation to the soul, we should narrow the range of our spiritual vision, were we to neglect those supplementary glimpses at the mystery afforded by other figures and shadowings.

Each one of them is self-willed and self-determined in sin. He does not like to retain religious truth in his mind, or to obey it in his heart.

It was a hard thing for Ellen to think that, in the estimation of the man she loved, she must for ever seem the basest and most mercenary of womankind; and yet how poor an excuse could she offer in the vague pleading of her letter! She could not so much as hint at the truth; she could not blacken her father's character.

It was "A Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ, and to our Solemn League and Covenant; as also against the Errors, Heresies, and Blasphemies of these times, and the Toleration of them: wherein is inserted a Catalogue of the said Errors, &c.: subscribed by the Ministers of Christ within the Province of London, Dec. 14, 1647."

As a preacher he is energetic, impetuous, and practical speaks plainly and straight out, minces nothing, and tries to drive what he considers to be the truth right home.