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Is not that what you said? Well, if it was not you, it was I do not remember. When I first got the charge of this into my hands " "Lady Randolph, you cannot surely think what you are doing. At the worst," said the distressed trustee, "this was meant to be a fund for beneficence all your life: not to be squandered away, thousands and thousands in a day "

What had become of my wealth? what use had it been put to? The moment the doors of my prison opened before me, I flew to my notary's office. You can imagine his stupefaction when he recognized me. He then informed me that your first thought had been to act as trustee only to my riches, and to use merely enough for your existence until you reached the age of thirty-five.

Thus jealousy was avoided if the sums were unequal; and unequal they generally were. In the present instance the two largest sums were given to the "Medecin des Pauvres" and to the delegate from Verviers. Both were no doubt to be distributed among "the poor," at the discretion of the trustee appointed.

Kitty was being pointed out by the Principal and the Trustee to the visiting gentleman because she was head. Dear Teacher took the book. She stood on the platform apart from the gentlemen, and gave out the words distinctly but very quietly. Emmy Lou felt that Dear Teacher was troubled. Emmy Lou thought it was because Dear Teacher was afraid the poor spellers were going to miss.

"This plaice isn't bad, eh? I ordered turbot, but you never get the fish you order in these Midland towns. It always ends in my having plaice, which is good for the soul! Ha-ha! I hate the Irish myself. This school of which I am the chief trustee was intended to be a Catholic reformatory. That idea fell through, and now my notion is to turn it into a decent school run by secular clergy.

"So many girls have been deterred from a mistake by being shut up under lock and key!" commented Mrs. Marshall, with an ironical accent. "But, good Heavens! Think of her going to that old scoundrel's how can I look people in the face, when they all know my opinion of him how I've opposed his being a Trustee and " "Ah, !" remarked his wife significantly, "that's the trouble, is it?"

The Executive Trustee knew that he was dozing; but for all that it was unbearable this feeling of being bound by coil after coil of rope until he could not stir a finger. A terrifying numbness began to creep over him as if his body had died. The thought came to him like a shock that he had an active, commanding intelligence, still alive, and nothing for it to command.

James Harper was hard at work establishing the business of Harper & Brothers, which has grown to such immense proportions since, at the very time he was working night as well as day to expedite publications, he was a trustee and class-leader in John Street Methodist Church, and rarely missed the sessions of the board or the meetings of the class. I remember that Mr.

Ras says that because I am a widow and an Albanian it would be an awful trouble for me to get married in England, and I would have to give up half my money to Government. But in France, owing to different laws, I can get married without any fuss at all. I don't understand it, but Ras has consulted a lawyer, so it's all right. I suppose when I am married you won't be my trustee any more.

I was her trustee then, under your grandfather's Will, and I watched this going on. While watching, I became devotedly attached to her. His pressure increased, till one day she came to me here and practically put herself under my protection.