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Presently the curtain is drawn up and discovers where Scaramouch has Scaramouch professes that the noise was made by putting up this piece of Tapestry, While the Doctor is admiring the new tapestry, said to have been sent him as a gift, Harlequin, who is 'placed on a Tree in the Hangings, hits him on the 'Head with his Truncheon.

And therewithall looking about for some cudgel, hee espied where lay a fagot of wood, and chusing out a crabbed truncheon of the biggest hee could finde, did never cease beating of mee poore wretch, until such time as by great noyse and rumbling, hee heard the doores of the house burst open, and the neighbours crying in most lamentable sort, which enforced him being stricken in feare, to fly his way.

But Sir Launcelot was sore hurt, and cared not for honour; and groaning piteously, he rode at a great gallop away-ward from all the knights, until he came under a wood's side. When he saw that he was from the field nigh a mile, so that he was sure he might not be seen, he besought Sir Lavaine as he loved him to draw the truncheon out of his side.

An old tub of a Spaniard converted into an English cruiser, and commanded by Commodore Truncheon, I shouldn't wonder. She has caught a Tartar this time, however. Nothing of a sailer. If a breeze springs up, you may easily give her the slip, if you like, captain." "Give her the slip! No, not if I can help it.

Mr O'Gallagher surveying, with the smile of a demon, the unhappy and disappointed faces of the boys, was again perched upon his throne, the rod on one side, the ferrule on the other, and the ruler, that dreaded truncheon of command, clenched in his broad fist.

The constable was wise enough to give him the point of his truncheon in the gullet, and that settled him." "I wonder if he is the one who would have been shot had he broken into my flat," said Theydon musingly. "Shot! Man alive, you'd never have heard him!" "Not till he had a bullet lodged securely in his inside, it is true. Bates and I surveyed that lift last night, Mr.

And I will ride with you, said King Bagdemagus. And when they two were horsed they came to Sir Lamorak that stood among thirty knights; and well was him that might reach him a buffet, and ever he smote again mightily. Then came there into the press Sir Launcelot, and he threw down Sir Mador de la Porte. And with the truncheon of that spear he threw down many knights.

And there he walked along the leads, till he met another truncheon, and told him his errand. "Very good," it said. "Come along; but it will be of no use. He is the most unremorseful, hard-hearted, foul-mouthed fellow I have in charge; and thinks about nothing but beer and pipes, which are not allowed here, of course."

Up jumped the truncheon, and was going to hit him on the crown a tremendous thump, and drive him down again like a cork into a bottle. But the strange lady put it aside. "Will you obey me if I give you a chance?" "As you please, ma'am. You're stronger than me that I know too well, and wiser than me, I know too well also. And as for being my own master, I've fared ill enough with that as yet.

And, when the truncheon saw her, it started bolt upright Attention! and made such a low bow, that if it had not been full of the spirit of justice, it must have tumbled on its end, and probably hurt its one eye. And Tom made his bow too. "Oh, ma'am," he said, "don't think about me; that's all past and gone, and good times and bad times and all times pass over. But may not I help poor Mr. Grimes?