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The peace of Cambrai proved but a truce, and war between Charles and Francis repeatedly blazed forth. Francis made strange alliances in order to create all possible trouble for the emperor, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, the Ottoman Turks, even the rebellious Protestant princes within the empire.

Whilst we were still eating and fortifying the window-places as best we could, so as to make them difficult to enter, a single Kaffir appeared, waving above his head a stick to which was tied a white ox-tail as a sign of truce.

'A truce to banter, Franko! he said sternly: but the subject was opened, and the wound. 'Love! he pursued, mildly groaning.

With despair he heard of the breaking of the truce, and of the fight at Mauron in which Sir Robert Knolles and Sir Walter Bentley crushed the rising power of Brittany a fight in which many of the thirty champions of Josselin met their end.

"I'd appreciate that. You do realize the Empire'll use the truce to regroup and rebuild?" "I certainly hope so; they haven't been doing too well the last several weeks." As he had for the last month, Medart woke feeling like he hadn't slept for a year. If anything, Ryan had understated what he'd be going through, starting Sandeman-style magical training so late.

Party spirit has rarely run higher in any commonwealth than in Holland during these memorable debates concerning a truce. Yet the leaders both of the war party and the truce party were doubtless pure, determined patriots, seeking their country's good with all their souls and strength. Maurice answered the discourse of Jeannin by a second and very elaborate letter.

You can't take offence." "I fondly hope to die a bachelor," said I with humility. "God bless you!" she cried, bursting into a merry laugh, and I knew that a truce had been declared for the time being at least. "And now let us talk sense. Have you carefully considered the consequences if you are found out, Mr. Smart?" "Found out?" "If you are caught shielding a fugitive from justice.

"I tell you what," said Helmut touched by the dragon's evident terror, "let's make friends with him, boys; he's given us a nice ride for nothing; we will present him with the flag of truce." Turning to the dragon he said: "Allow us to give you a banana and a roll in token of our friendship and esteem." "O," said the dragon brightening up, "I like bananas. People often throw the skins away here.

Spain had submitted to the humiliation of a treaty of truce with its rebellious subjects which was substantially a recognition of their independence. Nothing could be more deplorable than the internal condition of the country which claimed to be mistress of the world and still aspired to universal monarchy. It had made peace because it could no longer furnish funds for the war.

Under a responsive flag of truce Major Marling and a non-commissioned officer advanced to parley with the enemy, whose pacific, if not submissive, spirit was thus manifested. The field-cornet in charge said he understood there were to be no hostilities that day. The English officer knew nothing of any armistice, but agreed to retire without pushing the patrol farther in that particular direction.