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"Send me word some proper heads are taken off," he wrote to Troubridge, "this alone will comfort me." "Our friend Troubridge had a present made him the other day, of the head of a Jacobin," he tells St. Vincent, "and makes an apology to me, the weather being very hot, for not sending it here!"

'Wear ship, and a'ter him. So we hauls out? the line, us and the Culloden Tom Troubridge and pushes up, all sail set, to help him. "By then we got alongside, the Captain Nelson's ship she were was a sheer hulk. As we pass her, your father leans over the rail. "'Well done, Captain, says he, liftin his hat. "Nelson blinks his one eye up I can see him now.

"I don't care that for danger or hardship," interrupted Saunders, snapping his fingers emphatically. "Only say that I may jine in the picnic, and you shan't have no cause to regret it, sir." "What say you, Gurney?" I asked. "You have a right to a voice in this matter; and you probably know Saunders a good deal better than I do." "I say let him come by all means, Mr Troubridge," answered Gurney.

"Do you know, Polson, that the man who consents to a murder is every whit as guilty as he who actually does the deed?" "Well, I dunno," answered Polson; "I don't see how that can be, Mr Troubridge. If another man chooses to murder ye, what's that got to do wi' me? Besides, what can we do? All hands of us has already signed a paper agreein' to obey Mr Wilde's orders." "Tut!"

"Minorca," he wrote to Spencer, "I have never yet considered in the smallest danger, but it has been a misfortune that others have thought differently from me on that point." Towards the end of September, Troubridge, without the aid of British troops, but supported by the arrival of a division sent by Suwarrow, reported the evacuation of Rome and Civita Vecchia.

This decision, and the chances of destruction in case of hostilities continuing, made him alter his tone. At length both chiefs came to terms. The instrument was written by Captain Hood, and was at once ratified by Captain Thomas Troubridge, commanding H.B.M.'s troops. The following is a copy of the 'Terms agreed upon with the Governor of the Canary Islands. 'Santa Cruz: July 25,1797.

His laughter seemed to begin internally and silently, till, after one or two rounds, it shook the vast fabric of his chest beyond endurance, and broke out into so loud and joyous a peal that the blackbird fled, screeching indignantly, from the ivy-tree behind him. "What! Thomas Troubridge," said Mary. "My dear cousin, how are you?

Before dropping this subject, which has the unpleasantness that attends all contentions between individuals about their personal deserts, it is right to say that Nelson had held from the first that Collingwood, Troubridge, and himself were the only ones "who made great exertions on that glorious day: the others did their duty, and some not exactly to my satisfaction."

So sixteen years rolled peacefully away, until Tom Troubridge returned from a journey up country with news of a great gang of bushrangers being "out." He had actually sat hob-nob with the captain in a public house, without knowing it.

Two hundred additional marines must be given, and certain specified artillery and ammunition in excess of what he had. With these, "I have no doubt of doing the job as it ought to be, the moment the ships come in sight." "Under General Troubridge ashore, and myself afloat, I am confident of success."