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Whatever ails you!" she exclaimed when she could speak for astonishment, and to her own surprise her arm enclosed the sobbing girl in a warm embrace while with the other hand she reached to close the door. "Come right in to my kitchen and set in the big chair by the cat and let me give you a cup o' tea. Then you can tell Mis' Brownleigh what's troublin' you. She'll know how to talk to you.

The cobbler allowed several bright nails to fall into his palm before he answered the question which was worrying the girl. "There ain't no use troublin' about it, child," commented he. "We can't starve." "If I could only work," said Jinnie gloomily, "I bet Peg'd soon like me, because she wouldn't have to go out in the cold at all. But you think it'd be bad for me, eh, Lafe?"

'I'm very sorry, Tom, but I don't love yer so as ter marry yer. 'Oh, Liza! She could not see the look upon his face, but she heard the agony in his voice; and, moved with sudden pity, she bent out, threw her arms round his neck, and kissed him on both cheeks. 'Never mind old chap! she said. 'I'm not worth troublin' abaht.

Goodness knows, I'd never ha' thought o' troublin' President McKinley about patents!" Rebecca shook her head. "I'm blest ef I know the fust thing about it," she declared. "Ef you take my advice, you'll not bother Miss Elizabeth 'bout your old patents." At this moment the page returned. "Her Majesty awaits your Royal Highness within," he said, bowing deeply.

"W'y, lady gal," he exclaimed, "what you doin' up at 'his time?" "I sat up fu' you. I got somep'n' to ax you, pappy." Her voice quivered and he snuggled her up in his arms. "What's troublin' my little lady gal now? Is de chillen bin bad?"

Sarah, who had been weeping until the other began to speak, now rose up, and approaching Mave, said "Go, Mave Sullivan go out of this dangerous house; and you, Condy Dalton, heed not what she has said. Mave Sullivan, I think I understand your words, an' they make me ashamed of myself, an' of the thoughts that have been troublin' me. Oh, what am I when compared to you? nothing nothing."

"But, An'rew," she said at length, "I want to tell ye something that's troublin' me; then ye can learn me what ye like." "Tell on, Dawtie," said Andrew; and she began. "Ae nicht aboot a fornight ago, I couldna sleep. I drave a' the sheep I could gether i' my brain, ower ae stile efter anither, but the sleep stack to the woo' o' them, an' ilk ane took o' 't awa' wi' him.

"Sure, skipper, me poor head feels that desperate bad, what wid the liquor an' the clout ye give me, I couldn't heave it up from the pillow if Saint Peter himself give the word." "I bain't troublin' about Saint Peter," returned the skipper.

'No, no; I won't take you any farther, Evan repeated. 'But what do it matter, sir? urged the postillion. 'I'd rather go on as I am. I a made no arrangement to take you the whole way. 'Oh! cried the postillion, 'don't you go troublin' yourself about that, sir. Master knows it 's touch-and-go about catchin' the coach. I'm all right.

"I don't think the warriors kin ever find us in here," said Long Jim, "but what's troublin' me is whether we'll ever be able to git out ag'in." "Mebbe you wouldn't be so anxious to show yourse'f, Jim Hart, on solid ground ef you could only see yourse'f ez I see you," said Shif'less Sol. "You're a sight, plastered over with black mud, an' scratched with briers an' bushes.