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Since the commencement of trench warfare the Germans had held their line on the 'depth' principle, keeping only a minimum of troops, tritely referred to as 'caretakers, in their front trench of all, while we for long afterwards crammed entire companies, with their headquarters, into the most forward positions.

He had splendid shoulders, a great crop of curly black hair, big, twinkling blue eyes, and a tremendous crinkly black beard that fell over his breast in shining waves. In brief, Mr. Malcolm MacPherson was what one would call instinctively, if somewhat tritely, "a magnificent specimen of manhood." In one hand he carried a bunch of early goldenrod and smoke-blue asters.

After looking for many silent minutes at the girl he loved, Donald said, tritely, "A penny for your thoughts, Smiles." "Sir, you value them too high. I was thinking about you," she laughed. "A likely story! I know well enough that your mind was far away from the present spot the far-off expression on your face is indication enough of that.

Now why do we delay? he asked Azariah, who reminded him and somewhat tritely that he had not yet said good-bye to his parents. But they know I'm going with you, Sir, he answered.

If it be true that the boy is father to the man, it is even more tritely true that the girl is mother to the woman, there being here less chance for change. So it was with Mary Virginia. That gracious little girlhood of hers, lived among the birds and bees and blossoms of an old Carolina garden, had sent her into the Church School with a settled and definite idealism as part of her nature.

For a moment his virility had overwhelmed her into a feeling of deference, but she recovered herself sufficiently to droop nonchalantly into her seat as he gave her his hand. He was not in the least put out of countenance by her unexpected presence, and she felt a fleeting sense of disappointment, almost of pique. "I suppose you're wondering why I'm here," she began, tritely.

It is recorded in the report of the Death Valley expedition that after a year of abundant rains, on the Colorado desert was found a specimen of Amaranthus ten feet high. A year later the same species in the same place matured in the drought at four inches. One hopes the land may breed like qualities in her human offspring, not tritely to "try," but to do.

"You're quite a stranger!" he greeted her tritely, and added, "But we've been reading about you." Kate looked her surprise. "In the Grit haven't you seen it? A great boost! Butefish really writes vurry, vurry well when he puts his mind to it." This explained the warmer temperature, she thought sardonically, but said merely: "I haven't seen the paper."

He felt shy in her presence, and when, for a few moments, he was left alone with her, he hardly knew what to say to her. They had been "Quinny" and "Mary" to each other before, but now they avoided names.... He spoke tritely about her journey to London, reminding her of the slowness of the train between Whitcombe and Salisbury, and wondered whether she liked London better than Boveyhayne.

Kars watched him go not without some misgivings, and his fears were tritely expressed to Bill Brudenell, who joined him a few minutes later. "There's only one thing to unfix the things I've stuck together," he said. "It's the woman." And Bill's agreement added to his fears of the moment. "Sure. But you haven't figgered on Pap." "Pap?" Bill nodded. "There's fourteen days.