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He had his dull days and his sombre moods hours of irresistible retrospect; but I let them come and go without remonstrance, because I fancied they always left him a trifle more alert and resolute.

"There's too much chin music an' too little fightin' in this war, anyhow," he said to them, turning his head for a final remark. The day had grown more white, until the sun shed his full radiance upon the thronged forest. A sort of a gust of battle came sweeping toward that part of the line where lay the youth's regiment. The front shifted a trifle to meet it squarely. There was a wait.

Livingstone was pleased at the thought; for Clark was a good fellow, and a capable bookkeeper, even though he was a trifle slow. Livingstone felt that he had, in a way, a high regard for Clark. He was attentive to his duties, beyond words. He was a gentleman, too, of a first-rate family a man of principle.

During the four years since his puppyhood he had lived the life of a sated aristocrat; he had a fine pride in himself, was even a trifle egotistical, as country gentlemen sometimes become because of their insular situation. But he had saved himself by not becoming a mere pampered house-dog.

Am I the man that dragged your grandmother's name through the streets and soiled yours? I remarked that I was sensible of the debt of gratitude I owed to him, but would rather submit to the scourge, or to destitution, than listen to these attacks on my father. 'Cut yourself loose, Harry, he cried, a trifle mollified. 'Don't season his stew d' ye hear? Stick to decent people.

I went forth on my customary walk a trifle daunted, her idol-like impassivity haunting me; and when I returned, although she was still in much the same posture, I was half surprised to see that she had moved as far as the next pillar, following the sunshine.

"As you like," replied the Englishman, in a tone which showed he cared not a whit whether he played or not. "I've got work to do. Let's have some more drinks, and play another time," said Brandt. The liquor was served and drank. Brandt pocketed his pile of Spanish and English gold, and rose to his feet. He was a trifle unsteady; but not drunk. "Will you gentlemen have a glass with me?"

Only today you have seen how the heart of the sacred ram " "Man, man!" Nebsecht interrupted, "the sacred heart is the heart of a hapless sheep that a sot of a soldier sold for a trifle to a haggling grazier, and that was slaughtered in a common herd.

He answers that he has twelve volumes of Dundreary literature! That shows how much industry goes to even an "inconsiderate trifle." This fine actor and most accomplished and agreeable man has been playing in two of the poorest plays ever presented to a New York audience.

Both boys stopped dead in their tracks and looked questioningly at each other. "Timber thieves!" said Charley in a low voice. His cheeks paled a trifle. Then a look of determination came into his eyes. "What shall we do?" asked Lew in a loud whisper. "I don't know," replied Charley. "But we'll find out what they are doing. Then we can decide what to do ourselves."