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I am trespassing on your time," said he, "at the suggestion of an acquaintance of yours, who has been telling me great things about your work." Queed looked completely puzzled. "The Post, Mr. Queed," went on West agreeably, "is always looking for men who can do exceptional work. Therefore, I have come to consider with you whether we might not make an arrangement to our mutual advantage."

I doubted both the use and the possibility of enlightening her as to his. Kisses were not in the bargain, she would say. After all, the desire for affection was something of an incongruity in Struboff, an alien weed trespassing on the ground meant for music and for money. I could hardly blame her for refusing to foster the intruder.

In the doorway leaned a middle-aged man, powdered all over with white, even to the eyelids. He caught sight of her, and she was afraid he would be angry, and warn her off for trespassing; but he nodded and called out something in a friendly manner "Good day," perhaps. She could not hear the words for the hum of the weir and the roaring of the machinery within the building.

From the garden, beyond the fallen gate, he saw the church as the Curé saw it, the three round apses with their little columns, the smaller decorative arches of the cornices, the pointed roof, and between branches full of apple blossoms, the softened lines of the low square tower. Here, trespassing, the Curé found him.

The preliminaries of fence over, he said: "I wonder whether it would be trespassing too far on your friendship to ask you to pay your promised visit to Vichy to-morrow?" The formality of his English, which one forgot when talking to him face to face, was oddly accentuated by the impersonal tones of the telephone. "I'll motor over with pleasure," said I. The prospect pleased me.

Pantingly she threw back her gay reply. "This is the children's happy hunting ground, not mine, I suppose, if the truth were told, we are trespassing." He made her his sweeping bow. "There is not a corner of this estate that is not utterly and for ever at your service."

"To-night, at twelve." "To-night! Well, we've got to keep him off. He may try to establish residence in a wickie-up." "But hasn't he a right? Can't he " "He hasn't, and he can't. And if he comes this way after midnight, I'll fix him for trespassing!" He laughed. "I wish you wouldn't go to the Fort, though. You've heard dad you know how he feels." "I wouldn't go if I didn't have to.

"Quickly the owner of the unpronounceable name and the significant title pointed to the cab from which he had just alighted, and Schwarz, whose every suspicion with regard to his princely customer bristled up in one moment, clutched his bag and followed his imposing interlocutor; as soon as they were both comfortably seated in the cab the latter began, with courteous apology in broken but fluent English: "'I must ask your pardon, sir, for thus trespassing upon your valuable time, and I certainly should not have done so but for the certainty that our interests in a certain matter which I have in hand are practically identical, in so far that we both should wish to outwit a clever rogue.

So, idly curious, he rode that way, his horse making no sound on the thick moss. "If she's ornamental," he said to himself, "I'll linger to point out the sin of trespassing; that is if she is sufficiently ornamental " His horse stepped on a dead branch which cracked; the girl in white, who had been looking out through the birch-trees across the valley, turned her head.

"I agree with you," said the judge; "but I fear we are greatly trespassing on the time and the official duties of our friend," he added, turning with a smile to the consul. "Oh, not at all! I am sufficiently attentive to my business to afford to take a day now and then, when necessity demands it," replied Mr. Tourneysee pleasantly, as he arose and bid his friends good-evening.