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I never resumed Lotze, though later, with two other students, I attended Trendelenburg's difficult course, and tried to comprehend Kant's "critiques." I first became familiar with Schopenhauer in Jena. On the other hand, I again devoted many leisure hours to Egyptological works. I felt that these studies suited my powers and would satisfy me.

I never resumed Lotze, though later, with two other students, I attended Trendelenburg's difficult course, and tried to comprehend Kant's "critiques." I first became familiar with Schopenhauer in Jena. On the other hand, I again devoted many leisure hours to Egyptological works. I felt that these studies suited my powers and would satisfy me.

If the small saphena system also is involved, and if communicating branches are dilated, the veins fill up from below more rapidly. When the pressure over the saphenous opening is removed, the blood rapidly rushes into the varicose vessels from above; this is known as Trendelenburg's test. There are usually one or more bunches of enlarged and tortuous veins in the region of the knee.

Indeed, it seems that Trendelenburg's influence was great on the life of every young man who was fortunate enough to come into contact with him. The late Professor Paulsen, in his beautiful autobiography, Aus meinem Leben , presents us with a vivid picture of Trendelenburg and his work.

I never resumed Lotze, though later, with two other students, I attended Trendelenburg's difficult course, and tried to comprehend Kant's "critiques." I first became familiar with Schopenhauer in Jena. On the other hand, I again devoted many leisure hours to Egyptological works. I felt that these studies suited my powers and would satisfy me.