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With prodigious inventiveness, and a habit of perpetual intrigue, acquired in his travels, he might be called a "knowing" man, but for the truly Somali weakness of showing in his countenance all that passes through his mind. This people can hide nothing: the blank eye, the contracting brow, the opening nostril and the tremulous lip, betray, despite themselves, their innermost thoughts.

Back her!" with a brief interval between each signal. Then, stepping to the starboard end of the bridge, he waved his handkerchief to the fast disappearing seaman to let him know that his commander was at his post and would do his best to save him. The big hull, in response to her reversed propeller, after a few moments of tremulous indecision, began to move stern foremost.

I shall still have the cottage at Cradle Bay, if I go smash, and that is quite good enough for me. Do I make myself clear?" Mrs. Gower was sniffing. She had taken refuge with the pince-nez and the polishing cloth. But her fingers were tremulous, and her expression was that of a woman who feels herself sadly abused and who is about to indulge in luxurious weeping.

She would depart as suddenly as she had arrived, leaving a formal note of farewell if the head of the house happened to be away or asleep. She liked to travel early in the morning. "Where are we going, Billy?" Miss Ann's voice was tremulous and her eyes were misty. "Now, Miss Ann, s'pose you jes' leave that ter ol' Billy an' the hosses.

I threw my arms around her; I pressed my lips wildly to hers. "Speak speak!" I cried, and my blood gushed over her with the effort; "in mercy speak!" Even in death and agony, the gentle being who had been as wax unto my lightest wish struggled to obey me. "Do not grieve for me," she said, in a tremulous and broken voice: "it is dearer to die for you than to live!" Those were her last words.

As the party drew nigher to this solitary being, and came within a distance to be heard, a low growl issued from the grass at his feet, and then, a tall, gaunt, toothless, hound, arose lazily from his lair, and shaking himself, made some show of resisting the nearer approach of the travellers. "Down, Hector, down," said his master, in a voice, that was a little tremulous and hollow with age.

He has come over lately, with his wife, and I have just heard of it. Besides, I have a few purchases to make." He was switching the tremulous spring flowers along the path with his cane, and not looking at her as he spoke. "How long shall you be gone?" He laughed. "Montreal has no charms for me, you know," he replied; "I shall not remain there long, probably not over a week."

All around us no distinction was visible between the landscape above and that below, no water-line could be found; and to the west, where the sky was still glowing and golden, with faint bands of crimson cirrus swept across the deep and tremulous blue, growing purple as the sun sank lower, we could distinguish nothing in the landscape.

The richest men of Athens paused by night in the Street of Tripods to gaze at the poet's widow, as the women in the Ceramaeicus sarcastically called her. Some, more daring, or tremulous with desire, raised the index finger in mute question; but vainly they awaited her affirmative reply the customary sigil of the hetæræ, touching thumb to index finger as it were an annulus.

Mark them! the weak, the profligate, the daring. There is old age, watching the play, with its voice like a baby's cry; and the paper whereon it keeps tremulous tally swimming upon eyes of perpetual twilight. The boy ventures his first gold piece with the resolve that, win or lose, he will stake no more. He wins, and lies.