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"This is a surprise," he said, "but I am so glad to see you. Did you have a pleasant time at Skarpen?" There was no reply. The young woman still surveyed the garden and the darkening shadows on the lawn. "What is the matter, little girl?" he asked. He felt the trembling of her chin as she removed his hands. "No," she replied, "I did not have a good time." "I'm sorry. What was wrong?"

Laura finished her letter, leaned back, and murmured a long, trembling, "Farewell!" that was like a low, mournful vibration of an Aeolian harp, when the night-breeze breathes upon it. Then she pressed her right hand over her eyes, shuddered, and tremblingly put out her left for that which would end all.

Phillis followed him, and Florentin was about to accompany them, but Phillis stopped him. "I wish to ask Doctor Saniel a question," she said. When they were on the landing she closed the door. "What is the matter?" she asked in a hurried and trembling voice. "I wished to tell you that I start for Monaco at eleven o'clock." "You are going away?"

As he stood with folded arms looking from the one conflagration to the other, Genifrede clung to him trembling with terror. In a quarter of an hour another blaze appeared on the horizon; and soon after, a fourth. "The sky is on fire," cried Denis, in more delight than fear. "Look at the clouds!"

The Grand Duke had come in, and the orchestra was saluting him with the National Anthem. And in a trembling voice Jean Michel gave his last instructions to his grandson. The overture began again, and this time was finished. It was now Jean-Christophe's turn. Melchior had arranged the programme to show off at the same time the skill of both father and son.

I returned it by the maist sincere attachment, but I fell into disgrace frae a trifling act of disobedience, reported to your mother by ane that thought, and she wasna wrang, that I was a spy upon her actions and yours." "I charge thee, woman," said the Earl, in a voice trembling with passion, "name not her name in my hearing!"

"Now?" said Sydney. She felt that the arm on which she leaned was trembling like a leaf. "Now I could love you better than ever if I knew one thing if I dared ask " "You may ask what you like," he said, in a husky voice.

The child was ill, and nearly fell with fatigue. "I'll show you how to wake up!" the woman cried, and, seizing a hot poker, she laid it on the arms and hands of the child. Screaming with pain, the poor little creature worked on, trembling if the sister-in-law even looked her way. This was one day.

"Oh no, that cannot be," said Lizzie, trembling. But, though she rejected the supposition, she did not reject it very firmly. "And then, you know," continued Lizzie, "I never see him. I have actually only set eyes on him once since the second robbery, and then just for a minute. Of course, I used to know him, down at Portray, but now we are strangers." Frank went on with his objections.

Above all, do you recall that final, and supreme, and awful touch in which, addressing consciously the handler of the guillotine, he professes to take him for the chaplain, and, bringing the poor executioner for once to confusion, is addressed with blushing face and trembling lips with the observation, "Non, Monsieur, j'ai d'autres fonctions"? Mr.