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Think how these jolly old cocks tower away, with their shrill whistle, through the tree-tops, and twist and dodge with an agility of wing and thought-like speed, scarcely inferior to the snipe's or swallow's, and fly a half mile if you miss them; and laugh to scorn the efforts of any one to bag them, who is not an out-and-outer!

Then the heavy air round him was pierced by a sharp gust of wind, bringing with it the fresh, damp feel of the falling rain; and all the innumerable tree-tops of the forests swayed to the left and sprang back again in a tumultuous balancing of nodding branches and shuddering leaves.

Soon after this the princess took a walk in her garden. There she saw that all the tree-tops were dry and dead. "That foretells me nothing good"; thought she. "Something wrong must have happened to my husband. He has been away for three months already. It is time for him to come back, and as yet I have heard nothing of him." She decided then to go to look for him.

Of course, when a very full breath is taken there will also be an expansion of the chest following the filling up of the lower part of the lungs. Civilized man is an indoor animal. We no longer live in tree-tops nor even in caves, but in houses, and a great many of us spend the larger part of every year in close, ill-ventilated, overheated rooms.

The season was over, and she had little else to do. She expected him back at any moment, and preferred to await his arrival in town. One evening she was sitting in her bedroom thinking of him. The night was hot and the windows were open. It was very late. She had been staring down upon the dark mass of tree-tops in the Park, recapitulating, phase by phase, the growth of her feeling for Hedworth.

The big clock on the mantelpiece seemed to go very, very slowly, its tick loud and deliberate, as though it would say: "Don't think you are going to get off one single minute sixty minutes to the hour you have to live through, and there are still two hours till tea-time." The rain splashed against the window, the wind moaned through the tree-tops, and the room got steadily darker. "Oh dear!"

At the time of its date I received the following note from General Grant: MILLIKEN'S BEND, March 16, 1863 General SHERMAN. With some labor in cutting tree-tops out of the way, it will be navigable for any class of steamers. I want you to have your pioneer corps, or one regiment of good men for such work, detailed, and at the landing as soon as possible.

The wind blew again in the tree-tops; a volley of cold sea-rain deluged the garden, and, as the deuce would have it, a gutter which had been hitherto choked up began suddenly to play upon my head and shoulders with the vivacity of a fountain. We parted with a shock; I sprang to my feet, and she to hers, as though we had been discovered.

He pointed his finger at each in turn while he said this verse, which he made up on the spot: "Sticks are racing in the flood Trees are racing in the wood In the tree-tops winds are racing In the sky-tops clouds are chasing. In the tree-heart snug and warm, We hear nothing of the storm. When we play at hide-and-seek, It is you must count the sheep."

"Good-bye, good-bye, dear kite," said Walter, "thank you very much for bringing me here." The kite grinned and made a funny bow; then he mounted up of his own accord, and sailed away home over the tree-tops. On a rough wooden table was spread a delicious repast.