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"'Waiter? "'Sir. "'Galls don't like to be tree'd here of a mornin' do they? "'Sir. "'It's usual for the ladies, sais I, 'to be together in the airly part of the forenoon here, ain't it, afore the gentlemen jine them? "'Yes, Sir. "'It puts me in mind, sais I, 'of the old seals down to Sable Island you know where Sable Isle is, don't you? "'Yes, Sir, it's in the cathedral down here.

The Calverts and Milburns have married into Mrs. Washington's kin. Does my wife love me?" When Levin Dennis awoke in the bottom of the old wagon it was being rapidly driven, and Van Dorn's voice from the driver's seat was heard to say, without its usual lisp and Spanish interjection: "Whitecar, is your brother at Dover sure of his game?" "Cock sure, Cap'n. Got 'em tree'd!

Both armies at once "tree'd" themselves behind trunks, and worked at long bowls, the "bushmen," having only one gun and two charges, lost four of their men, and the victors, who had no time to carry off the slain, contented themselves with an arm or two by way of gigot. Probably the memory of this affair, which is still to be settled, unfavourably impressed my escort.

"I may thank him for being tree'd, in the first place; and he knows it," I remarked, with a sourness which appears pardonable even at this distance of time. "What had he got to do with it?" asked Moriarty. "How the tempus does fugit!" I replied. For the mid-day bell was ringing at the hut. "Best sound since breakfast-time," said Moriarty, rising. "Come on to lunch."

Cosy Moments' editorial staff may be tree'd, but it cannot be put out of business. Comrade Windsor, take the other end of that ladder and follow me." The ladder was lying against the farther wall. It was long, more than long enough for the purpose for which it was needed.

"We've fairly tree'd the scamps," said Hurry, chuckling at their success; "if they wish to visit the castle, let 'em wade or swim! Old Tom, that idee of your'n, in burrowing out in the lake, was high proof, and carries a fine bead.

He liked Jerry, was glad to be with him and to run with him; but it was Jerry who was ever in the lead, who ever raised the hue and cry of hunting pursuit, who barked indignation and eager yearning at a tree'd squirrel in refuge forty feet above the ground. Michael looked on and listened, but took no part in such antics of enthusiasm.

I need merely say that one critical reader put a bullet through my hat " "Rot! Not really?" "While others kept me tree'd on top of a roof for the space of nearly an hour. Assuredly they have cut up rough, Comrade Jackson." "Great Scott! Tell us." Psmith briefly recounted the adventures of the past few weeks. "But, man," said Mike, when he had finished "why on earth don't you call in the police?"

After supper, we adjourned to the open plain. The night was delicious; and for half-an-hour the congress was governed by that dignified silence which backcountry men appreciate so highly, yet so unconsciously. Then the contemplative quiet of our synod was broken by the vigorous barking of Saunders' dog, at a solitary box tree, indicating a possum tree'd in full sight.

"Oh, be up ther', be 'ee?" says he, running under the tree. "Now you come down this minute." "Tree'd at last," thinks Tom, making no answer, and keeping as close as possible, but working away at the rod, which he takes to pieces. "I'm in for it, unless I can starve him out."