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"Maybe so," agreed Glen. "Anyway if the treasure's there we'll soon know it. You think you can keep in your head the exact location where he dived?" "Yes. It's just at the bend of the Ice Box. Right opposite on the other bank are those two old stumps " "Hold on," shouted Glen excitedly, seized with a great idea. "I'll bet you those are the stumps of elm trees the Twin Elms." "You're right, Glen.

I with my precious autoharp under one arm and the infinitely more precious human treasure's arm tucked safely under my other. We soon reached the humble mission, left the man in safe keeping, and took a homeward-bound car, retiring about 2 A.M., grateful and almost too happy to sleep.

Pears hadn't, though she came recommended as a treasure: so p'raps it's just as well for us our treasure's laid up in heaven. We've got a surprisin' lot of children in this city, for such a young one; but our men are doin' that well they feel justified in sendin' fur their families.

It was well for her that she could do so with so little of remorse or regret. "Not to have known a treasure's worth Till time hath stolen away the slighted boon, Is cause of half the misery we feel, And makes this world the wilderness it is."

"I won't," cried Edred, and in his extreme dislike to the idea he kicked with his boots quite violently against the stones of the tower; "not much I won't. I expect the treasure's bricked up. We should look nice bricked up in a vault like a wicked nun, and perhaps forgotten the way to get out. Not much."

The only thing that kep' me up was thinking 'ow I'd take it out of 'im when I 'ad the cash." There was a lengthy pause. "Now, you'd 'ardly believe it, but all them three days I never 'ad a chance at the blessed treasure, never got out not even a 'arf-crown. There was always a Somethink always. "'Stonishing thing it isn't thought of more," said Mr. Brisher. "Finding treasure's no great shakes.

"Here's a walled city, for sure," said Young; "and if this is where th' treasure-house is, we won't raise a row because th' folks have gone off an' left it. Just whoop up that burro of yours, Pablo, an' let's be gettin' along. It's a pity we had t' leave th' mules behind. If th' treasure's in silver, we can't get away with much of it with nothin' but El Sabio t' pack it on."

If I gave the word to go about, they would rise at once. Second point: we have time before us at least, until this treasure's found. Third point: there are faithful hands. Now, sir, it's got to come to blows sooner or later; and what I propose is, to take time by the forelock, as the saying is, and come to blows some fine day when they least expect it.

I can just picture the child sitting writing it with his sticky little fingers!" "You mustn't let him know about 'Sweet William, or there'll be a free fight!" laughed Mavis. William was Mrs. Treasure's little boy, and also an ardent admirer of Merle, who gave him chocolates when she met him in the garden or the stackyard.

"And when Quinn and the mate had pulled their freights he steps out and buries the gold in another place." "Probably he waited till the Truxillo was out of the harbor," amended the Englishman. "Sure. But the big point that sticks out like a sore thumb is that Bucks didn't fool Evans and Quinn, but us. The treasure's gone. That's a rock-bottom fact," Yeager commented.