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Have you ever heard of 'harlequin fate'? 'Tis a very buffoon of mischief and irony that is often permitted to dog our earthly footsteps and prevent us from becoming too content with our lot. For a time you and I, little maid, good comrades though we have been, must tread different paths.

"I'm goin' to look up his den in a few days, before he shuts in fur the winter, an' sot my trap, whar he's jest bound to tread in it goin' or comin'. Now, if so be ye feels that way, let's git back to camp an' hatch up some sorter dinner Ever eat musquash, boys?" "What, eat muskrats?" exclaimed Jerry, in disgust. "I never have, but would like to try the dish," remarked Frank.

There would he remain, until each idle mariner was sunk to rest; and nothing but the distant tread of the wakeful watch, or the short cough of the helmsman, bespoke a sentinel over the habitation on the waters.

And she can't properly control herself any longer, now that she claims to have a word in the matter. Are you going to put up with that? Go and take her round the waist strike her if you can't put up with her, but make her feel that you're a man!" "Well, are you working up there?" old Jorgen cried to the boys, turning his laughing countenance from Marie. "Tread away!

While still, through all that opposed him, the same fierce tenacity of purpose would have been invariably visible in every action of Ulpius, constantly confirming him in his mad resolution to make his victim the follower of his progress through the wall, ever guiding him with a strange instinct through every hindrance, and preserving him from every danger in his path, until it brought him forth triumphant, with his prisoner still in his power, again free to tread the desolate streets and mingle with the famine-stricken citizens of Rome.

This he attacked, killed the king's cousins, and captured the ship. Then Bald Grim, full of exultation, sang a song of triumph on the ship's prow, beginning with: "Now is the Hersir's vengeance On the king fulfilled; Wolf and eagle tread on Yngling's children."

They resembled prisoners condemned hopelessly to tread a huge wheel; there was a broad track across the fields where they went. Brun was troubled by the thought of these thousands of men who came all this way to look for a day's work and had to go back with a refusal. "We can't take more men on than there are already," he said to Pelle, "or they'll only get in one another's way.

It would have been a matter of wonder with the Nanticoke, how he could get the victuals into such a little mouth, if he had not been employed in noting the odd actions of the strange creature, and in listening to the tones of his voice, which resembled those of a cat when you tread upon its tail.

D. wrote to me five and a half lines, inquiring as to my terms. You probably know my reply. I wish the inhuman creature had sent me the money at once. Good Lord, what Jacks-in-office you all are! None of you can put himself in the place of a poor devil like me who looks upon every source of income as a lucky draw in a lottery. Please, tread gently upon his toe.

Stanton, who at this moment joined him, drew his special attention to a thin and under-sized gentleman somewhat past middle age, who mounted the steps with a tread that was as inelastic as his face was devoid of animation. "There is poor Uncle Mayhew," remarked the young man indifferently. "I suppose I must go and speak to him." "Mr. Mayhew?" said Van Berg, in some surprise.