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Amherst found it difficult to listen calmly, with the nurse's words still in his ears, and the sight before him of Mrs. Dillon's lean shoulder-blades travelling painfully up and down with the sweep of the mop.

I am happier at it than I used to be. That's all of the flat little story, Dick." "You might have let me know, it seems to me," said Farris a bit stiffly. "So I might," answered Lee thoughtfully. "I was going to in the first place. But you'll remember that you were off somewhere travelling when the bubble broke.

Pierre knew quite well that this was a bull caribou, travelling wildly till he found another herd. He would carry on the deception. "Wail for the dead, as your women do in Ireland. That will finish them," he said to Macavoy. The giant threw his voice up and out, so that it seemed to come from over the Fort to the Indians, weird and crying.

Now, however, we had to go a long way without meeting with any, though we carried enough in our bottle for ourselves, and a small quantity for the patient ox. Travelling on, I saw something lying on the ground a short distance off. I pointed it out to Mango, who ran towards it, and returned with a knapsack. "Yes," he said in a sorrowful tone, "dis Massa Leo's."

Thus to journey on from place to place would be the great charm of the river travelling by water, not merely sculling to and fro, but really travelling. Upon a lake I could but row across and back again, and however lovely the scenery might be, still it would always be the same.

"I don't know whether or no it is prudent, but I keep all my money there; my money for travelling, I mean." "If I were you, then," I answered, "I would not say anything about it to any one." "Oh, no, of course not," said he; "I should not think of mentioning it. But those brigands in Italy always take away what you have about your person, but they don't meddle with the heavy luggage."

Rough though it looks, it was a highly creditable piece of work, considering the period at which it was executed; and as the first actual machine constructed for the purpose of travelling on ordinary roads by the power of steam, it is certainly a most curious and interesting mechanical relic, well worthy of preservation.

From Rosetta Peter Martyr started on January 26th on his journey to the Egyptian Babylon, as he was pleased to style Cairo, travelling by boat on the Nile and landing at Boulaq in the night.

"It seems to me that everybody has forgotten why they came here. Please, Richard, do you know of a spell to find a missing person?" "Yes, several," answered Richard, who was always as eager as a travelling salesman to recommend his wares.

And there is, of course, a particularly noxious type of travelling Briton, who does his best, unconsciously, to deflower his country wherever he goes. Selfish, coarse-fibred, loud-voiced the sort which thanks God he is a Briton I suppose because nobody else will do it for him.