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Everybody has doubtless noticed that, when a stagnant pool which contains a good deal of decaying vegetation is stirred, bubbles of gas rise to the surface from the mud below. This gas is known as marsh-gas, or light carburetted hydrogen, and gives rise to the ignis fatuus which hovers about marshy land, and which is said to lure the weary traveller to his doom.

I thought it might give you the appearance of a regular traveller, you know, and not a runaway." He tried to make her laugh about it, but her face was deeply serious as she looked up at him. "I think this is the kindest and most thoughtful thing you have done yet," she said. "I don't see how I can ever, ever thank you!" "Don't try," he returned gaily. "There's your train being called.

Yarro was, however, too young at the time of the catastrophe to be able to remember what had occurred. It had taken place two reigns back; but he promised to have a search instituted for relics of the illustrious traveller.

Dealers in eyes are on that account very numerous in most parts of the moon, and in this article alone all the inhabitants are whimsical: sometimes green and sometimes yellow eyes are the fashion. I know these things appear strange; but if the shadow of a doubt can remain on any person's mind, I say, let him take a voyage there himself, and then he will know I am a traveller of veracity.

The cries of strange birds, the unwonted colour of some of them, all suggested to the imaginative or unaccustomed traveller the idea of war-whoops and painted deadly enemies.

Every one lives by selling something, whatever be his right to it. The bandit sells the traveller an article of prime necessity: that traveller's life. And as for the old soldier, who stands for central mark to my capricious figures of eight, he dealt in a specialty; for he was the only beggar in the world who ever gave me pleasure for my money.

The lean Old Man had visited that "undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns." There was no doubt of his actual presence in this. There were his young wife and several companions, male and female, ready to corroborate his story; and was not his crippled arm painful but unimpeachable testimony to the reality of his experiences?

As I have said, there was one other passenger, a gentleman, in the car, and I felt it would be prudent to make his acquaintance. No doubt I could tell at the first glance whether or not he was an ordinary traveller, or whether he was a friend and accomplice of the lady under observation. I regret to say that he met me in a very hostile spirit.

"Then it is a settled thing, and I am to go with you," exclaimed Lucien. "We must consult your mother, and if she sees no objection, I " The child ran off without allowing me to finish my sentence. While I went on cleaning my guns, I found that I was pleading with myself in favor of the little would-be traveller.

I have only been here nine year come December; but my old hostler was born in the village, and never left it. So the gent had in the hostler, and he is now gone into the village to pick up what else he can learn." This intelligence seemed to surprise and displease the traveller. "What the deuce!" he muttered; "does Jason mistrust me? Has he set another dog on the scent? Humph!"