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"What I was about to say, Your Majesty, is that as matters stand, Security has a virtual monopoly on armed power on this planet. When these disorders in the city which Prince Travann's men are now bringing under control broke out, there was, I am informed, an order sent out to bring Regular Army and Planetary Militia into Asgard.

Of course, your Ministers and Counselors would be the ones to name the Regent, but I know how they would vote with Security Guard bayonets at their throats. And regency might not be the limit of Prince Travann's ambitions." "In your own words, quite plausible, Prince Ganzay. It rests, however, on a very questionable foundation.

The call-indicator in front of him began glowing with the code-symbol of the Minister of Security. "We can always hope, can't we? Well, Yorn Travann's trying to get me, now." "Don't keep him waiting. Maybe I can see you before the Session." She made a kissing motion with her lips at him, and blanked the screen. He flipped the switch again, and Prince Travann was on the screen.

In the case of the elevator, I became suspicious of a man named Samml Ganner, one of Prince Travann's secret police agents. In the case of the gun in the viewscreen, it was a technician whose sister is a member of the household of Countess Yirzy, Prince Travann's mistress. In the case of the fission bomb "