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My father tells me that when I was just learning to translate single words, he found me one evening poring over the humesh and made fun of me for pretending to read; whereupon I gave him an eager account, he says, of the stories of Jacob, Benjamin, Moses, and others, which I had puzzled out from the pictures, by the help of a word here and there that I was able to translate.

The first units sold cover the enormous fixed and sunk costs of authoring the software and the machine tools used in the manufacturing process. Thus, after having achieved breakeven, sales revenues translate immediately to gross profits. This bifurcation the huge fixed costs versus the negligible marginal costs vitiates the rule: "set price at marginal cost". At which marginal cost?

And as I have here to translate their American phrase into English, it may be very defensible that they should translate my English phrases into American. Anyhow they often do translate them into American.

Whenever in a Greek or Roman political treatise we meet the expression "a State governed by laws," the only way to translate it is "a State governed by a very ancient and immutable legislation." This gives the true meaning to the famous personification of laws in the Phædo, which would be quite meaningless if the Greeks had understood what we do by the term.

He looked pale and haggard as though he was tired and worn and worried. He glanced from one to another of the people gathered around the desk, but even his old pals, Bob and Hugh, gave him no more than a fleeting smile. "We have a letter or something here written in German, Heinrich," said Mr. Cook. "I'd like to have you translate it for us, please."

Here, the cleverest of our caricaturists, with mischievous eyes and bitter tongue, lay in wait for epigrams to translate into pencil strokes; there, stood the young and audacious writer, who distilled the quintessence of political ideas better than any other man, or compressed the work of some prolific writer as he held him up to ridicule; he was talking with the poet whose works would have eclipsed all the writings of the time if his ability had been as strenuous as his hatreds.

Gladstone and other high authorities give him warm encouragement, he now means to translate the entire poem, and to publish it with beautiful illustrations, and two years hence the world may expect to see it.

Some of the old women embraced us tenderly, while the salt tears cut deep furrows through the dirt upon their faces. It is impossible to translate exactly their meaning in this short sentence, but it is more as if they would say, "Surely it seems impossible that we shall never see you again."

Translate it into sober language for him. May I light Your Majesty on your visit to A drawing-room in the QUEEN's apartments. A window to the right. Three doors, centre, right, and left. Candles on the tables, playing-cards, and tea service. KAMKE stands on a step-ladder fastening a large curtain over the window. Two lackeys are assisting him. There!

But Dean Stanley has read his Heine to little purpose if he imagines that this radiant and splendid soldier of progress meant by the Spirit of God the third person of the Christian Trinity. Heine was no Christian, and the very opposite of a theologian. We might translate passages of scathing irony on the ascetic creed of the Cross from the De L'Allemagne, but space does not admit.