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In this set, however, an oscillation transformer is used and as the primary coil of it is included in the closed circuit the oscillations set up in it produce strong oscillating magnetic lines of force.

For this transmitter you require: one oscillation transformer; one hot-wire ammeter; one aerial series condenser; one grid leak resistance; one chopper; one key circuit choke coil; one 5 watt vacuum tube oscillator; one 6 volt storage battery; one battery rheostat; one battery voltmeter; one blocking condenser; one power circuit choke coil, and one motor-generator. The Oscillation Transformer.

The effect of the iron is to make as many as possible of the lines of force set up by the primary current, cut the secondary winding and there set up an electromotive force of the same frequency but different voltage. The transformer has made long distance the actual achievement that it is. It is this apparatus that brought the mountain to Mohammed.

For this transmitter you require: one oscillation transformer; one hot-wire ammeter; one aerial series condenser; one grid leak resistance; one chopper; one key circuit choke coil; one 5 watt vacuum tube oscillator; one 6 volt storage battery; one battery rheostat; one battery voltmeter; one blocking condenser; one power circuit choke coil, and one motor-generator. The Oscillation Transformer.

One of the ends of the secondary of the induction coil, or the microphone transformer, or the magnetic modulator is connected to the grid circuit and the other end to clip 3 of the tuning coil. A 100 to 200 Mile Wireless Telephone Transmitter With Direct Current Motor Generator.

The voltage of the grid of the modulator tube is varied by the secondary coil of the induction coil or microphone transformer, above described. In this way the modulator tube acts like a variable resistance but it amplifies the variations impressed on the oscillations set up by the oscillator tube.

The required parts are the 50 watt tube; the grid leak resistance; the filament rheostat; the filament storage battery; and the magnetic modulator. It is not advisable to use an induction coil for the modulator for this set, but use, instead, either a telephone transformer, or better, a magnetic modulator of the second size which has an output of from 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 amperes.

Next connect the posts of the secondary coil to the posts of the rotary or quenched spark gap and connect one post of the latter to one post of the condenser, the other post of this to the post of the primary coil of the oscillation transformer, which is the inside coil, and the clip of the primary coil to the other spark gap post. This completes the closed oscillation circuit.

All of the apparatus for this C. W. telegraph transmitting set is the same as that described for the 100 and 200 mile sets but you will need: one or two 50 watt oscillator tubes with sockets; one key condenser that has a capacitance of 1 mfd., and a rated potential of 1,750 volts; one 0 to 500 milli-ammeter; one aerial ammeter reading to 5 amperes, and an A. C. power transformer for one or two 50 watt tubes.

The required parts are the 50 watt tube; the grid leak resistance; the filament rheostat; the filament storage battery; and the magnetic modulator. It is not advisable to use an induction coil for the modulator for this set, but use, instead, either a telephone transformer, or better, a magnetic modulator of the second size which has an output of from 1-1/2 to 3-1/2 amperes.