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It could doubtless be shown that the process of change ran parallel to the shrinkage of the "apron" and the transformation of the platform-stage into the picture-stage. Faint traces of the practice survive in T.W. Robertson, as in his master, Thackeray. But it was in his earliest play of any note that he called a journalist Stylus.

Misnar, at sight of one of his hideous kind, was filled with scorn and rage; and, forgetting his transformation, was about to drive him from the mangled body, when the reptile, opening his mouth, addressed him in the language of Delhi. "Whether thou art really what thy form bespeaks thee," said the reptile, "or, like me, the victim of enchantment, answer."

In immediate transformation, the little beast stopped, forgot his anger, stretched forth his moist, black nuzzle, sniffing ... and walked up to the cook, accepting the carrots. The cook began to stroke the animal's nose.... "You little black devil," he said, in a soft voice, "you're all right ... they don't understand you ... but we're going to be pals us two aren't we?"

It demands that we seek transformation of our legal system, which overly protects the rights of criminals while it leaves society and the innocent victims of crime without justice. We look forward to the enactment of a responsible clean air act to increase jobs while continuing to improve the quality of our air.

It was a light, as of memories of his own triumphs, and the chief's figure began to sway gently to the music of Jimmy Grayson's voice. They had built a bonfire near the speaker's stand, and by its flare Harley clearly saw old Flying Cloud smile. Hobart came up at that moment, and, Harley pointed out to him the transformation in the old chief's appearance. Hobart's opinion agreed with Harley's.

As there is a man to be seen behind these lines in the dull unconscious process of transformation from something very like a villain to something by a few degrees more estimable, we may as well look at the letter in full. It begins with a neat display of consideration for the person addressed, common to letters that are dictated by overpowering egoism:

When I've set my mind on a thing, it ain't the governor, or twenty governors, that will stop me." "Have you any notion what was the cause?" "None," said Reginald. "Oh, no, none at all," said Ursula. They were all three standing at the door of the sick-room, in which already a great transformation had taken place. The doctor had sent a nurse to attend upon the patient.

On the approach of the transformation, it makes an exit-gallery, the door of which is open or else masked by a remnant of bark. Then, retracing its steps, it blocks the passage with a barricade of coarse packed shavings; and, at a depth of about eight inches, not far from the heart of the tree, it hollows out a cavity for the nymphosis without any particular upholstering.

Thus, the appliances of Western industrial invention have worked admirably in Japanese hands, have produced excellent results in those crafts at which the nation had been skillful, in other and quainter ways, for ages. There has been no transformation, nothing more than the turning of old abilities into new and larger channels. The scientific professions tell the same story.

He passed on to the table, took up the lamp, and looked long on his father's face. That strange smile of the dead, common alike to innocent and guilty, had already settled on the serene lips; and that no less strange transformation from age to youth, when the wrinkles vanish, and the features come out clear and sharp from the hollows of care and years, had already begun.