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"Then Billy came up behind me and whistled," concluded Miss Hefferman, as she closed her note-book. "Shall I transcribe this for you, Mr. Blaine? We have a typewriter at the club." "No, I will take the note-book with me as it is and lock it in my safe at the office. Please hold yourself in readiness to come down and transcribe it whenever it may be necessary for me to send for you.

Wylie in the "Journal of the Anthropological Institute," August, 1880. Mr. Wylie says: "Although we may not be able to identify Shen-shen with certainty, yet we have sufficient indications to give an appropriate idea of its position, as being south of and not far from lake Lob." He then goes into an exhibition of those indications, which I need not transcribe.

Here there is no foreign text for the music to study or illustrate or transcribe. Instead, there is lofty passion and an heroic will gradually developing itself and breaking down all obstacles. Without doubt Strauss had a programme in his mind, but he said to me himself: "You have no need to read it. It is enough to know that the hero is there fighting against his enemies."

Moreover, a fair copy could not be made, supposing that he succeeded in writing, except by scribes outside of the Order; and they might transcribe either for themselves or others, and through their dishonesty it very often happened that books were divulged at Paris. But I resisted, on account of the bond of your precept, which obliged me to your work, in spite of every mandate of my superiors....

Well, I have you safe now. But I will not transcribe all Giles's speech; it was so lover-like, it made me understand, once for all, what I was to him, and how little he cared for life unless I shared it with him. By and by he went on to speak of our mutual work, and here again he more than contented me. 'I do not mean to rob the poor people of their nurse, Ursula, he said presently.

We have made a list of these palaces, not of all, but the most remarkable, and we do not dare to transcribe it here on account of its length.

I transcribe it in M. Henry's own verbiage: The chicken must be well cleaned inside. Next put in it some butter, salt and pepper, a little paprika, and into full of sweet corn, then close the chicken. Next put it in a saucepan with other more sweet corn, against butter, salt, pepper, a little whisky; cook about half of one hour. The best sweet corn is the California sweet corn in can.

But to avoid mistakes upon a subject, where I am not very well versed either in the style or matter, I will transcribe an account sent me by a person who is thoroughly instructed in these affairs.

If the charge account is to remain open until the next crop comes in, on some rainy day he will transcribe the charge to his day-book. The clocks of the valley are not controlled by the government's or the railroads' standard of time. They go by "sun time" and are regulated by the hour the almanacs say the sun should rise.

As a specimen of the royal style, I transcribe two passages: