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M. B. Sulte gives an account of the Carignan Regiment in the Proc. and Trans. of the Royal Society of Canada for 1902. The account of the Sieur de Comporté in France is in Canadian Archives Series B., F., 213, p. 46; that of the auction sale of his property is in a MS. preserved at Murray Bay, while a record of the sale of Malbaie to the government is in Canadian Archives, Series M., Vol.

* Perhaps so; but what a delightful pastime for the Vicar of the Divinity! Trans. As Pierre came back through the wood he had another surprise. He suddenly lighted on a "Grotto of Lourdes," a miniature imitation of the original, built of rocks and blocks of cement. And such was his emotion at the sight that he could not conceal it. "It's true, then!" said he.

Was this, then, the heart of the city, the vaunted promenade, the street brimful of life, whither flowed all the blood of Rome? * M. Zola likens the Corso to the Rue St. Honore in Paris, but I have thought that an English comparison would be preferable in the present version. Trans.

Somewhat like a Spitzbergen, but a trifle rounder. Trans. Getting ahead of her, an empty, black, funereal catafalque whirled by; with two horses in harness, and two tied behind to the little rear columns.

Things that from a distance seem preposterous and even revolting will often assume a very different guise when seen in their native environment and judged by their inevitable conditions. It is not always true that "coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt" that is, if we allow ourselves to translate "animum" in its Ciceronian sense of "opinion."

It seems to me most probable that the vortex theory cannot fail in any such way, because all I have been able to find out hitherto regarding the vibration of vortices, whether cored or coreless, does not seem to imply the liability of translational or impulsive energies of the individual vortices becoming lost in energy of smaller and smaller vibrations. Trans.

IX, Part I, Regne de Louis XVI, 1774-1789 , the latest and most authoritative treatment in French; Felix Rocquain, The Revolutionary Spirit Preceding the French Revolution, condensed Eng. trans. by J. D. Hunting , a suggestive account of various disorders immediately preceding 1789; Leon Say, Turgot, a famous little biography translated from the French by M. B. Anderson ; W. W. Stephens, Life and Writings of Turgot , containing extracts from important decrees of Turgot; Alphonse Jobez, La France sous Louis XV, 6 vols.

And indeed the smallest bits of marble, the maimed statues, the bas-reliefs in fragments, even the isolated limbs whether the divine arm of a nymph or the sinewy, shaggy thigh of a satyr evoke the splendour of a civilisation full of light, grandeur, and strength. * Best known in England, through Byron's lines, as the Dying Gladiator, though that appellation is certainly erroneous. Trans.