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The door of the drawing-room was ajar, so that Lady Fitzgerald, who was sitting there tranquilly in her own seat, could hear the voice. And she did hear it, and knew that some stranger had come to trouble her husband. But she did not come forth; why should she? was not Herbert there if, indeed, even Herbert could be of any service?

Claire, too, was deeply moved; she went to the new clerk of the house of Fromont and said to him: "Risler, I thank you in my father's name." At that moment Pere Achille appeared with the mail. Risler took the pile of letters, opened them tranquilly one by one, and passed them over to Sigismond. "Here's an order for Lyon. Why wasn't it answered at Saint-Etienne?"

She was seeing her dad there, going tranquilly about the everyday business of the ranch, holding his head well up, and looking every man straight in the eye. She could not and she would not let even Lite persuade her to give up risking her neck for the money the risk would bring her.

During the service, the King, tranquilly, secluded in his golden box, could see and examine the lady at his leisure, without compromising himself or embarrassing her by his gaze. As for her, her decent and quite appropriate attitude merited for her the approval of her old friend, of the King, and of the most critical eyes.

"Madam," said he at last, "I have a painful duty to perform: in a word, I am the bearer of a <lettre de cachet>." "Well, sir! "said I, tranquilly. "Madam, I must request you to believe how greatly I regret the task imposed upon me; but my duty and obedience to the king " "Would enable you to strangle your nearest relative.

It is not often that a Christian gentleman has such an opportunity to combine justice and revenge, to feed to bursting an ancient grudge, the while conscious that he is but doing his duty. Said Frank, when he was able to speak: "You have been listening to the lies of some treacherous clerk here." "Don't destroy that little book," proceeded Conover tranquilly. "We can prove that you took it."

But these were the mere background to the really pleasant thing in the spectacle, which was quite the plumpest woman Mr. Polly had ever seen, seated in an armchair in the midst of all these bottles and glasses and glittering things, peacefully and tranquilly, and without the slightest loss of dignity, asleep. Many people would have called her a fat woman, but Mr.

In the end, he considered, they would come to the gallows or to the penitentiary; but in the meantime the one experienced no suffering because he was too beastly to know what it meant, and the other because he was too lazy, and both of them let themselves float tranquilly with the stream.

He seized the weapon, and Liffie uttered an involuntary squeal of delight as she saw him sweep up nearly the whole of his first helping, and make one bite of it! He then attempted to smile at Liffie's expression of joy, but did it awkwardly in the circumstances. Just as he had finished his little repast, and was tranquilly stirring a breakfast cup of coffee, the door bell rang.

He was assassinated and robbed as he was returning from his little country-house at night-fall." "They say that we shall live more tranquilly now since the Roman intervention. The legates from Rome have ordered a few heads cut off; and they affirm that after this we shall have peace."