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But he also still preserved sufficient presence of mind to nod his head dully. "Come," commanded Fred. "The car is waiting." Still the stranger did not move. As though he had never before seen a woman, as though her dazzling loveliness held him in a trance, he stood still, gazing, gaping, devouring Winnie with his eyes.

He wanted just the merest ghost of a chance of reaching that lean frame before the steel devil could spit death. What it all meant he did not know, but it was clear that this stranger was willing to sacrifice the girl to further any project of his into which she had so strangely fallen. It was also clear to him that it did the girl no good to lose herself in such a trance as this.

They stand about, smiling a wistful half smile. It is much the same expression that steals over the face of a smoker who has lighted his after-dinner cigar, or of a drug victim who is being lulled by his opiate. The music seems to satisfy a something within them. Faces dull, eyes lustreless, they listen in a sort of trance. Terry played on. She played as Terry Sheehan used to play.

For a moment I staggered back as though buffeted in the face, then, as our eyes met and read in each other the desperate truth, I sprang forward just in time to catch her as she fell. Blindly, as if in some hideous trance, reeling and stumbling over the graves, I carried her in my arms to the cemetery gate and stood there panting and bewildered.

"Its brains," Quillan explained, "were too far apart." The Commissioner blinked. "It's getting to you too, son!" he said. Trigger came out of the ceridim trance hours before Lyad awoke from the stunner blast she'd absorbed. The Commissioner was sitting in a chair beside her bunk, napping. She looked around a moment, feeling very comfortable and secure.

And this he did. And after him, from time to time, when art seemed to be stiffening again in the clumsy fingers of the little scholars of the great, there came a true artist, like Giotto, who realized the sort of deathlike trance into which art had fallen, and roused it suddenly to things undreamed of from Giotto to Titian. And each did all that he meant to do.

"'My God, I thank thee! was the exclamation with which she broke from the trance of terror into which she had been thrown by his sudden attempt to pass her; and without a glance at his face, which to me looked like the face of a dead man, she tore the paper from his hand and stood looking about her with a wild and searching gaze, in the desperate hope that somehow the walls would open and offer her a safe place of concealment for the precious sheet of paper.

Jurgis' arms were shaking so that he could scarcely hold himself up, and lurched forward now and then as he listened. "When when did this begin?" he gasped. "At the very first," she said. She spoke as if in a trance. "It was all it was their plot Miss Henderson's plot. She hated me. And he he wanted me. He used to speak to me out on the platform. Then he began to to make love to me.

What it seemed to me that I saw in each case was a tremendous mechanical apparatus at rest, a rich, empty frame, an organism waiting for the word that would break its trance. The fault was, of course, wholly mine.

"Didn't you go to church this morning?" "I think so," he answered, as from a roseate trance. "You THINK so! Don't you know?" "Oh yes. Yes, I went to church!" "Which one?" "Just down the street. It's brick." "What was the sermon about?" "What, mother?" "Can't you hear me?" she cried. "I asked you what the sermon was about?" He roused himself.