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Women and children lay in the smouldering ruins, and plaintive cries arose from the tombs in which the very mummies moved like living beings; and all these-priests, warriors, women, and children the living and the dead all had uttered his, Nebenchari's, name, and had cursed him as a traitor to his country.

Then she will know that her wish will be fulfilled. I thought at first that you had been playing traitor to me and had been making love to her for yourself, but when she explained it all to me and begged me to intercede for her to you, I then knew that I had judged you wrongfully, and that, together with my lost love, made me so quiet and sorrowful last night.

He had eyes like a traitor, the hands of a man, but clawed, a beard dabbled with blood, a skin of coarse variegated colours, too hard to be cut through, and two horns on his temples, which he could turn on all sides of him at his pleasure, and which were so sharp that they cut like a sword.

"Speak to them, Jean!" implored the girl, while her mother, standing in the door with her knitting, looked wonderingly on. "Why do they come to take you like a traitor?" "It it's all a mistake!" panted the chauffeur. "You've got me wrong, messieurs. I I didn't do it. It was all an accident. He I Oh, my God!

Soon hoarse voices would be clamoring for the traitor, the assassin, the dastard, who, in the hour of victory, had raised his hand against a brother Frenchman. Soon, if he lingered, his ears would be doomed to hear the death penalty soon the muskets, whose fire he had so often commanded, would be levelled against his breast.

The cunning villain goes there and says that I yes, Babette that I was a traitor myself; and I said to the lords, 'Do I look like a traitor? My petticoats, Babette; how stupid you are, why, your eyes are half shut now; you know I always wear the blue first, then the green, and the red last, and yet you will give me the first which comes.

He was the first to forbid that the peasants should bow low before him, saying that that was a sin. Often a company of peasants—I have seen this myselfsit at table with him; he has paid the taxes for the village, and it is quite different at Kleck, though there, Pan Buchmann, you run things in German fashion. The Judge a traitor!

This Prince had reserved an hotel in the Rue d'Anjou, and the words, "Down with the traitor! down with the perjurer," were shouted there; but this had no result, as it was only considered an outrage caused by a spirit of petty vengeance. While Bernadotte was in Paris I saw him every day.

The guests were seated round the board, drinking healths and singing, and Harold was thinking sorrowfully of the brother who had fallen, a traitor to his country, when of a sudden there was a loud knocking at the door. 'What is that? inquired the startled guests. The door was thrown open, and a weary, white-faced man appeared, all splashed and caked with mud.

He knew his Majesty might easily find, in such a one as he, whereby to take away his head; but for this he feared not what could be said. "I have heard you affirm," said Lord Arundel, "that by law, he that should go about to withdraw the subjects' hearts from their king was a traitor." Sir Edward answered, "That he held him an arch-traitor."