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These men conform to the requirements of civilization much as a trained lion with low muttered growls goes through his stunts under the crack of the trainer's whip. They cherish a sullen hatred for all white men, and they value life as cheap. I have heard more than one of them say: "I'll go to hell for the first white man that bothers me."

As the horses filed away through the misty sunshine Preiston riding beside the fourth or fifth of the string, while Richard and Chifney brought up the rear, his chestnut suiting its paces to the shorter stride of the trainer's cob the fever of the night cooled down in him. Half thankfully, half amusedly, he perceived things begin to assume their normal relations.

He was actually occupied in the music-room now that there was nobody to discover him playing exercises softly on his beloved violin. At the trainer's cottage a trifling incident occured, that night, which afforded materials for a note in Perry's professional diary.

The trainer's name was William Sparks, and his birthplace Big Chebeague, Maine; but his lean, swarthy face and piercing, green-brown eyes, combined with the craving of his audiences for a touch of the romantic, had led him to adopt the more sonorous pseudonym of "Signor Tomaso."

The other tracks had not treated him kindly, and but for the kindness of his equine friends, whom he slept with and tended, he might have come back to Washington on the wooden steps. But he was back, and that was happiness for him. Broke? "Well," said Schwalliger, in answer to a trainer's question, "I ain't exactly broke, Misthah Johnthon, but I wath pretty badly bent.

But the boys were not interested in "young mutton" as Monty called it, and sought the ranchmen at their quarters to learn when they could go fishing, or what was better, hunting. "I don't see what you want to kill things for!" pouted Molly, while Helena answered: "Because they are just boys! I only hope they won't be allowed to handle firearms, except for rifle practice under the trainer's care.

Uttering loud trumpetings the great elephant started on a swift shamble for his quarters, giving not the slightest heed to his trainer's commands to halt. "Let him go. Emperor won't hurt me," laughed Phil as soon as he could get his breath, for he was moving along at a pace which would have meant a tumble to the ground had the elephant not supported the lad with its trunk.

He took himself firmly in hand. But the applause did not abate one whit. "Watch out, we're going down," warned the trainer. "Right!" The elephant trainer's command came out like the crack of a ringmaster's whip. Slowly the great beasts lowered themselves toward the sawdust ring. "Stoop over and grab the harness!" Phil did so. "Sit! Let go, Emperor!"

The trouble was that he could think of nothing, although he lay staring into the darkness, thinking and thinking, until Paul had been snoring comfortably across the room for more than an hour. The next afternoon, Sunday, Neil, obeying the trainer's instructions, went for a walk. Paul begged off from accompanying him, and Neil sought Sydney.

It was not exactly fear, but the child had a special aversion to watching the feats of trained wild animals, and had often shut her eyes when such a performance was going on. The lions and tigers came in and took their places, and Kitty and King watched with interest as they obeyed the trainer's word, and did as he bade them. But after a little time, Marjorie felt she could stand it no longer.