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They talked enough first about her being love-cracked, but there wa'n't any signs of it I could hear, excep' her trailin' 'round the beach, 'n' looking wimbly, 'n' not doin' jus' like other folks. She never said a word to anybody. Might 'a' been it turned her some," said Mrs. Libby, thoughtfully, rolling the flour in white scales from her heavy wrists.

I would advise you to spend your spare time ornementin' the high chair where the new one sets, wreathin' it round with whatever blossoms and trailin' vines of tenderness and romance you have left over from the first great romance of life. It would be better for you in the end. I said some few of these little thoughts to the female mentioned; and I s'pose I impressed her dretfully, I s'pose I did.

Shores, but she kep' trailin' back to herself, 'n' when she said 't she'd never had time to crimp her hair since her weddin' day she jus' broke right down. I cheered her up all I could. I told her she couldn't with a clear conscience blame any one but herself 'n' she'd ought to say her prayers of gratitude 't she hadn't got eight herself, same 's him.

"After I've cooled Rainbow out, 'n' bandaged his knees at the club stables, I starts fur home with him. "I'm just leavin' the main road, to take the short cut, when Miss Livingston gallops by, with a groom trailin'. She looks up the cross-road, sees me 'n' the hoss, 'n' reins in. She says somethin' to the groom 'n' he goes on.

I ain't the first man to come trailin' in with news of a strike. An' I had nothin' to show for it. Not even a color of gold. Nothin' but the word of a dead Aleut, my own jedgment, an' my own sight of an island I never landed on. Matter of fact, Honest Simms was the only one who didn't laff at me outright. It was on'y his bad luck made him try a chance at gold 'stead of keepin' after pelts.

They didn't find the horse thief, but they saw a bunch of men sneaking around a camp fire that belonged to the outfit which was trailin' the herd that went down in Devil's Hole. "They didn't interfere, because they didn't know what was up. But they saw one of the men stampede the herd, and they saw the rest of them do the killing." "Who did the killing?" "Dale and his gang," declared the sheriff.

B'en trailin' her fer years. Le's go, pardner. You're goo' scout. So'm I hey?" "You bet your sweet life you're a good scout! Come on we'll have a time to-night." Drummond had previously sent a boy to Lucy with a note informing her that the come-on was about ripe for plucking, and telling her to put some one else in charge of the gallery and be in readiness.

Pauline never attempted after that to elevate the moral tone of her step-brothers. Her father came in at supper-time with a letter. He handed it over to her as she sat beside him. 'It's from your uncle Robert, my dear, in Boston. His folks think it's time they got to know their cousin. 'Well, I hope they're not comin' trailin' down here with their city airs, said Mrs Harding shortly.

"You got to thank the scouts for a lot," said Archer; "forr trackin' an' trailin' " "'Tain't on account of them," said Tom, his voice breaking a little, "it's on account of her " And he kneeled again to arrange the corner of the cloth more neatly over the wrinkled, wounded face....

"We're trailin' the outfit right now," he told the other. Antrim extinguished the light, and the three went out and mounted their horses. Their movements were deliberate, unhurried. They crossed the river, gaining the plains above it, and rode at a slow lope in the direction taken by the others who had preceded them.