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He withdrew a little from her embrace. "Beatrice," he reminded her, "there is another tragedy beyond the one with which Dane threatens us. I do not wish to marry you." She suddenly blazed up. "Because ?" "Not because of any reason in the world," he interrupted, "except that I love Elizabeth Dalstan." "Does she want to marry you?" He was suddenly an altered person.

In the green aisles of the park the nightingales were singing, and the sweet strength of the stars and the magic of the moon touched each heart with a thoughtful melancholy. Richard and Antony joined them, and they talked softly of the tragedy, with eloquent pauses of silence between. On the lowest terrace they found the squire Fanny walking with quiet dignity beside him.

As, however, I stood out against the sky, my silhouette was, I knew, a well-defined mark for anyone with fire-arms. It seemed evident that a tragedy had occurred, and that the victim at my feet was a woman. But whom? Of a sudden, while I stood hesitating, blaming myself for being without matches, I heard the movement repeated. Someone was quickly receding escaping from the spot. I listened again.

Tragedy was the fashion, and must be endured, but all the Italians loved the masks.

She said nothing about the tragedy of the morning when her father came in, partly because she felt that nobody could appreciate the depth of her grief but mother, and because she had made up her mind not to complain of Tilderee, a conclusion which she secretly felt entitled her to rank as a heroine. But Tilderee related the occurrence herself as soon as her mother returned.

It had belonged to the ship, and it was a knife the steward had missed on the day the captain was killed. Since the whole ghastly tragedy was a matter of somnambulism, all points of it were easily fitted by the doctor, who quickly understood that the knife had been taken by the poor girl in her sleep just as it had been murderously used.

To whom could she speak of her misery? Her tears would be an offence against her husband, the origin of the tragedy. By all laws written and unwritten she was bound over to silence. A woman would have enjoyed the story; a man would have schemed for his own benefit.

I will, however, make but brief reference to this festive occasion, and proceed to tell of an event which created an unexpected sensation in our little community, and might have closed our New Year's Day amusements with a terrible tragedy.

Even in Paris away from the sound of the guns which had roared in my ears a week before, and away from the moan of the wounded which had made my ears ache worse than the noise of battle, I could not forget the tragedy of all this death which was being piled up under the blue sky, and on fields all astir with the life of the year. In the Tuileries gardens the buds were green.

Because we lose sight of the scene, or lose the sense of its horror, in the tragedy of the spirit.