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Frank Tracy's face was very pale and stern as he held little Jerry in his arms during the committal of the body to the grave, and then bade her take one last look at the box which held her mother. But Jerry, who was growing cold and tired, began to cry, and so Frank took her back to the sleigh, which was driven to the cottage in the lane.

Tracy's sporting renown, and saw himself introduced to all the hunting world of the county, not to say of England. It gave me a great deal to consider, knowing, as I did full well, that poor Dermot's acquaintance was not likely to bring him into favour with society, even if it were not dangerous in itself.

Now go. Don't you see you are interrupting me? was Arthur's rather savage response, and without having gained any satisfactory information Charles returned to the group anxiously awaiting him: 'Well? was Mrs. Tracy's sharp interrogatory, to which Charles responded: 'He does not remember what happened that morning; but that is not strange.

I am only enabled to give a brief account of that important colloquy. It appears, that when Captain Tracy's company was quartered to the west of the Gwalior, sent thither to guard the Begum Dowlia against sundry of her disaffected subjects, a certain Lieutenant James Stuart was one among those welcome brave allies.

"Why, thou hast it on thy shoulders," said Blount, "the lad is mazed." "No, No, this is Tracy's old mantle," answered Walter. "I go not with thee to court unless as a gentleman should." "Why," Said Blount, "thy braveries are like to dazzle the eyes of none but some poor groom or porter."

Vincent Tamworth, of the Royal Horse Guards, who had just got six months' leave of absence for the sake of marriage with his cousin. The gallant soldier tossed a billet to his father, who mounted his spectacles, and quietly read it at the lamp. "Captain Tamworth desires Mr. Julian Tracy's company to-morrow morning, at seven o'clock, in the third meadow on the Oxton road.

"Matter enough matter enough! and you will think so too to he robbed of our findings by a parcel of blasted 'coons, that haven't soul enough to keep them freezing. Why, this is the matter, you must know: only last week, we miners of Tracy's diggings struck upon a fine heap of the good stuff, and have been gathering gold pretty freely ever since.

When Harold came in and told me that Dermot Tracy's horses, English and Irish, were all sold, and named the sum that they had realised, my spirits leaped up, and I was certain, after such a voluntary sacrifice, the dear old companion of my childhood would be a joy and exultation to us all, instead of a sorrow and a grief.

Expectancy sharpened the stillness to Tracy's ears. A nightingale began the charm. He was answered by another. Many were soon in song, till even the pauses were sweet with them. Tracy had the thought that they were calling for Emilia to commence; that it was nature preluding the divine human voice, weaving her spell for it.

The leaders were brought to trial, but the society had influence enough to procure their acquittal. Its civil head was banished, and its military head was sent to Ægina for a military trial. The king then changed most of the members of the Synod, and more liberal ideas seemed to be gaining the ascendency.1 1 Tracy's History, p. 414. This reform was only partial and temporary.