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He felt that he could hope to do nothing right for Aunt Harriet, that absolute perfection in the performance of duty would make no more impression on her than a caress on the fly- wheel of a traction-engine. Constance, the dear Constance, was also looked at askance.

Joey looked approval; but the boys sniggered, and kept it up till Georgy, having gained the platform, threatened them with a "clout on the head". On the return journey a dispute arose between the lovers: it related to the shortest road home, waxed hot, and was rapidly taking on the dimensions of a quarrel, when the piebald mare shied at a traction-engine and tried to bolt.

"Since Bell has t' lease o' both coal yards, he can charge what he likes." "A grasping man! Yan canna get feeding stuff for stock, seed, an' lime, unless yan pays his price. Noo he has t' traction-engine, kilns, and mill, he'll own aw t' dale before lang." "It's very possible, unless you stop him," Kit interposed. "Landlord ought to stop him," one rejoined. Kit smiled.

It was a rainy summer, and the farmers were at their wits'-ends to know how they were to secure their hay in anything like good condition. The Duke was not a man to be beaten by the weather; he defied it; he was determined to have his grass in the rickyard, wet or dry. So the order went forth that his traction-engine and waggons were to be ready for carrying it on a certain day.

Our present mode of proceeding would be inexcusable if I were a traction-engine, and you my tender." "Then let me go. What will the people think if they see a great engineer violating the laws of mechanics by dragging his wife by the arm?" "They will appreciate my motives; and, in fact, if you watch them, you will detect a thinly-disguised envy in their countenances.

A traction-engine and automobile which can run across broad, almost trackless plains at the rate of fifteen miles an hour will bring within quick reach of civilisation many localities in which at present, for lack of such communication, rough men are apt to grow into semi-savages, while those who retain the instincts of civilisation look upon their exile as a living death.

The red end of a penny smoke in the gloom of twilight looks exactly as well as the red end of an Havana. Moreover, the mare caracolled ornamentally in the rays of the acetylene, and the stable-boy had to skip down quick and hold her head. 'How much didst say this traction-engine had cost thee? Dan asked, while Harold was pouring the indispensable fluid into the tank.

The steam-plough, no doubt, has before it a future full of usefulness; and yet the slow progress that has been made by it during a quarter of a century suggests that, in its present form that is to say while built on lines imitating the locomotive and the traction-engine it cannot very successfully challenge the plough drawn by horse-power.

If another dog attacks him, he will not retaliate by biting that would be undignified, and like a mere bull-dog; he lies down on his antagonist and waits a little; then that other dog gets up when it has recovered breath, and, after thinking the matter over, it concludes that it must have attacked a sort of hairy traction-engine. All these traits of the St.

At the far end of the thresher, away from the traction-engine, the fumbling lips of the shakers, mouthing in and out beneath their little penthouse, pushed out the beaten straw into the maw of an automatic trusser, which Ishmael had only bought that year and which he was watching eagerly.