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Of course I did it very slowly, with a long pause between each click; but I thought I would show the fellow at the other end that Track's End wasn't quite dead after all. Then I closed the switch, and instantly was surprised to hear the call repeated, but just as slowly and in the same way that I had given it.

When the second train after the blizzard had gone back, there were but thirty-two persons, all told, at Track's End. Only one of these was a woman, and she it was that was the cause of making me a hotel-keeper on a small scale. The woman was Mrs. Sours, wife of my employer.

The door was stuck fast, but I set my shoulder against it and pushed it open. The snow had blown in the crack and made a drift halfway across the floor. I put my hand on the stove. It was cold, and the fire was out. Alone in Track's End I repent of my hasty Action: with what I do at the Headquarters House, and the whole Situation in a Nutshell.

"The track's made for walkin' on, not standin', young Hallo!" It was Slagg who had thus roughly encountered his mate. "Why, Stumps, what's the matter with yon?" "Nothing." "Where 'ave you bin to?" "Nowhere." "Who's bin a-frightenin' of you!" "Nobody."

"Oh, that's all over now," Le Neve answered, with a wave, well pleased she should ask him about his whereabouts so cordially. "I was only employed in the construction of the line, you know; I've nothing at all to do with its maintenance and working, and now the track's laid, my work there's finished. But as to stopping in England, ah that's quite another thing.

My feet were much swollen, and the pain and the worry must have brought on a fever, and I lay on the lounge all day expecting nothing less than a fit of sickness; and what will become of me? I asked myself. I had no appetite for food, which alarmed me very greatly. I remember no day of my life at Track's End which seemed darker to me.

I had expected it was Pike himself, and, sure enough, it was, wearing a leather jacket with the collar turned up. "It's you, is it, Jud?" said he in a kind of sneering tone. "Yes, it's me," I answered. "What do you want?" "I sort of thought these here Track's Enders might send out a full-grown man to talk to me about such an important matter," he went on.

Paul, and then out to Dakota with Burrdock. The snake's-heads delayed us so that it was eleven o'clock at night before we reached Track's End. Ours was the only train that ran on the road then, and it came up Mondays and Thursdays, and went back Tuesdays and Fridays. It was a freight-train, with a caboose on the end for passengers, "and the snake's-heads," as the fireman said.

Besides, in the past, it has been much satisfaction when I have related any of the incidents of my winter at Track's End and some person, to show how smart he was, has tried to cast doubt on my word it has been much comfort to me, I say, in such cases to have the register and letters to show him, with it all set down in black and white.

I mean this: I got a letter from them that day out at Mountain's, but I had no time to read it Christmas and the next day I forgot I had it till after I had put your letter in the post-office. This is what was in it: CITISENS TRACK'S END, We will Rob your bank and burn your town if we don't get the small some we ask for. If adoing it we kill anyboddy it wun't be our fawlt.