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It was an evergreen world, a world, apparently, of perpetual summer. No trace is found until the next period of an alternation of summer and winter no trees that shed their leaves annually, or show annual rings of growth in the wood and there is little trace of zones of climate as yet.

"But it is even more remarkable than that. It has disappeared without leaving a trace, after having played its part." "If it had been a mere robbery," considered Norton, "one might look for its reappearance, I suppose, in the curio shops. For to- day thieves have a keen appreciation of the value of such objects.

"If we had begun sooner, we might probably have been allowed a lengthier operation to clear ourselves; but every day's delay lessens the time we may take for emancipation." Here is no trace of the theory inflicting a present certain evil on a great white population in order to do a future doubtful good to a smaller black population.

"If Mrs. Pierce will lend me a horse I'll go at once," he replied; "there are a good many houses along the way now, and I might get some trace of the thief." "You go right along. Take the colt; he's as fast as any horse hereabouts, and maybe you can overtake the fellow," replied Mrs. Pierce. Mr.

So great is the darkness here that we can but seek to divide it; and the lines that we trace must be blacker still than the sections they traverse.

The early Stewards are present by name in all the great national events: but have left little characteristic trace upon the records, as of remarkable individuals.

I wonder why I didn't recognize him that night I hired him. As soon as I saw him in the room without the glasses I knew I had seen his face before. It was in the woods that day. That boy was Frank Roscoe. I hope they catch him!" In a little while the attendant came back to report there was no trace of Frank. "We must give number twenty-eight a new room," said Dr. Hardman.

In front of him the huge black face of the crowd was rocking wildly, and fixed on him an importunate stare. His heart beat in alarm. It seemed to him as if all the words he had spoken vanished in the crowd without leaving any trace, like scattered drops of rain falling on parched soil.

"Extraordinary!" he said. "You ought to go to the police, Garfield. You were doped without a doubt. But what was the motive? I've been very worried about you. When you had been missing a week they sent over from your office, and I then went to the police at Hammersmith. They made every inquiry and circulated your description. But they could discover no trace of you.

The springs of this extraordinary occurrence are plainly not to be sought for so far back as many historians affect to trace them.