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Maudie from the top of the ladder had watched their dying contortions with the cynical interest of a Roman matron criticizing the death-agonies of a gladiator in the arena. When after staggering about the fan-tails turned over on their backs and flopped, Maudie descended from her perch and toyed with them daintily during their last moments, finally carrying their corpses up into the loft.

Ruth watched him as he walked rapidly away to overtake a friend who had just passed them. Do you remember a certain gentleman, Harold Wayne by name, who had walked with them, walked especially with Ruth, down to the depot on the morning of departure, who had toyed with her fan and complained that he could not imagine what they were going to bury themselves out there for?

Pharaoh took up the gold king from the board and toyed with it in his hand. "Meriamun," he said, "for these five years we have been apart, thou and I. Thy love I have lost, as a game is lost for one false move, or one throw of the dice; and our child is dead and our armies are scattered, and the barbarians come like flies when Sihor stirs within his banks. Love only is left to us, Meriamun."

The mass of the workers was as rigidly excluded now, under the new régime, as ordinary retainers ever are. I stood by my "Southern Lady." She was in evening dress ... wore a lorgnette ... I trembled as I leaned over her, for I could see the firm, white-orbed upper parts of her breasts ... I was trying to be lightly playful, and was clumsy at it. I took up her lorgnette and toyed with it.

He picked up a trifle that lay on my desk a pencil, perhaps, or a bit of paper and toyed with it, absently, as though I had not spoken. I thought he had not heard, and I was conscious of feeling a bit embarrassed, and very young. Suddenly he raised his smoldering eyes to mine, and I saw that they had taken on a deeper glow. His white, even teeth showed in a half smile.

"And acceded to," she reminded him, "by the Kaiser and the two greatest German statesmen." He toyed with his teacup, drew a gold cigarette case from his pocket, selected a cigarette, and lit it. "You would try to make me believe," he remarked, smiling at his companion, "that to-day you are not in your most intelligent mood." "Explain, if you please," she begged earnestly.

His face was pale from his outburst and his fingers toyed restlessly with the open newspaper. "I haven't seen the 'St. George's'," he said, hastily. "Lakely is always ready to shake the red rag where Russia is concerned; whether we are to enter the arena is another matter. But what about Craig, Burnage? I think you mentioned something of a contract." "Oh, don't worry about that, sir."

He did not follow his argument so far as to admit that the purchase of the car was an item in the expenses of a campaign by which he meant to make capital out of a woman's favor to him, even though his imagination toyed with the possibilities it might offer to build a sure foundation of fortune.

But now had entered upon the scene a rival possessed of beauty, of confidence, one who had toyed lightly with women's hearts, until he had wearied of the facile love his physical charm and wit attracted. "That should be good sport to watch," said an old beau. "I am betting on the Duke." A newly married bride turned towards him, "I am betting on the young girl."

"My system needs a tonic," said Merrihew. "We'll hold the funeral after to-night's play. Of all the damfool games, it's roulette." "And I can prove it," Merrihew replied. "I have just fifty dollars left." He took out the gold and toyed with it. "Can't you hear it?" he asked. "Hear what?" "The swan-song of these tender napoleons!"