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"I think that you overrate Perpignan's talents." "Not a bit; each man to his own line of business. Besides, if he wanders off the course, you must get him back to it. In this you must act diplomatically. His first move will naturally be to take you to the office of the mayor of the township, where a register of licenses is kept.

"Where do you come from, and what is your business here? You must be aware that this is a very late hour to take a house by storm in this way." "Thrue for you, sir. But necessity knows no law; and the condition you see me in must plade for me. First, thin, sir, I come from the township of D , and want a masther; and next to that, bedad! I want something to ate.

Sylvanus always assisted Coonie most willingly; he was a young man who was noted all over the township of Oro for his obliging ways and his mannerly deportment. Indeed, Mr. Todd posed as an authority on all matters of etiquette. He even went so far once as to admonish Wee Andra on the errors of his pedestrianism.

It was a township of buildings of all sizes crowding about the great central machine house. They crossed the light footbridge over the "cut in" from the river, and moved along down the main highway of the northern shore. Both were pre-occupied. The engineer was listening to the note of his beloved machinery. Bat was concerned with any and every movement going on within the range of his vision.

"I don't think we have met before, Councillor?" "You'll be the new captain?" said McGinty. "That's so. We're looking to you, Councillor, and to the other leading citizens, to help us in upholding law and order in this township. Captain Marvin is my name."

The arrangement is such that each township gets or is supposed to get one weekly visit from her. She is a boat with a character, or without it, which means about the same thing in the present instance. She has also a skipper, who is something of a character in his way.

"And great will be the fall of it!" Having closed my business in Wilberforce, I prepared to leave on the expiration of my term of office as township clerk, which was now near at hand.

Not wishing, however, to give up his pleasant fishing trips, he determined to devise some means of lightening the labor. "He absented himself a week, having gone to Little Britain township to spend a few days at his aunt's; and while there he planned and completed a small working model of a fishing boat, with paddle-wheels.

"Well, it's this way. You see I'm in the insurance business and I can't write a policy on a barn in this township, there's been so many burned; and while I don't want to say nothing against anybody, we think maybe they won't burn so much when the Thatchers clear out." "Nothin' ain't ever been proved against 'em," said Tucker.

In Waddy Dick and his fellow imps could not be too severely condemned; but Waddy refused to recognise the right of outsiders to abuse them, and however vicious they may have been, it was felt to be the duty of the township to stand by its own as against the 'townies' and the witnesses from Cow Flat.