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Silvia received these sun-blossoms on her head when she placed herself at the lower end of the table. She pushed the sleeves of her white sack back from her slim white arms, and began washing the lettuce-leaves in a bowl of fresh water and breaking them in the towel. The leaves broke with a fine snap and dropped in pieces as stiff as paper into a large dark-blue plate of old Japanese ware.

Margaret stood upright, turned quickly, and crossed the room to the door, mopping her face with a towel. 'Who is it? she asked in an anxious tone. 'I'm Griggs, said a deep voice. 'Come at once, if you can, for the poor girl cannot last long. 'One minute! Don't go away I'm coming out. Alphonsine never lost her head. A theatrical dresser who does is of no use.

She heaped wood on the fire until the flames leaped high, and the heat began to drive out the settled chill from her limbs, and she could move again without dull pain. Then to the brook; but her baths in the pool were ended. She washed face and hands, and brought back the wet towel for Philip.

Quietly the men took off their shoes and stockings. They did not put their feet forward much. As Dr. came to each participant he set his tub down before him, washed his feet a little, wiped them on the long white apron or towel, then shook hands with him and kissed him. He thus ministered to thirty persons, a somewhat laborious undertaking, but his powerful frame was suited to the exertion.

Standish saw me scrapping with Green the other night and sent for me afterwards and told me to get fit. I'm going to have a shot at it, I think. Wouldn't you?" His friend tested the temperature of the water in his bath with his toe, and got in. "Yes, rather," he replied, and hesitated. "I'm going in for it too," he added. Harcourt rose and reached for his towel. "Are you, Billy?"

He tottered after me to a table, looking as if he had been hit by a street-car. He had got his. I was so busy looking after Charlie, flapping the towel and working on him with the oxygen, that, if you'll believe me, it wasn't for quite a time that I thought of glancing around to see how the thing had struck Izzy Baermann.

There is also a plain pine table, a few chairs, one rocking-chair which has plainly been made by hand, and a flour-barrel. Outside the door is a wide wooden bench on which stands a big tin wash-basin and a cake of soap in a sardine can that has been punched full of holes along the bottom. Above it hung a roller towel which looked a little the worse for wear.

"Sir Allan Beaumerville," he said quietly, "there can be only one course to take with regard to the painful disclosures which you have laid before us to-night. If you have anything to add, please let us hear it quickly." Sir Allan continued at once. "I went back to my son's cottage. I washed my hands in his room, and the towel I concealed in his cabinet. Just as I was leaving he entered.

She had spied the end of a towel peeping out of one of his pockets. 'You came out for a bath!

A brisk rub down with a hard towel and she rejoined her father. He cast an approving look at her glowing face. "Well, you look as if you'd enjoyed your swim," he said. "Oh it was lovely, Daddy! Did you have a good bathe?" "Yes I struck a very good place deep enough to dive in," her father answered.