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Pretty soon we 'heard a loud whistling and we wondered what it was, because it didn't sound like a train and it sure wasn't on a motor-boat. Then Westy began asking what we were going to do about power after we got our stanchions and bumper-sticks and all that fixed. I said we'd have to get Jake Holden to tow us down around into the Hudson and then get somebody to tow us up. Westy said Mr.

My maxim is and it has served me through life, uncommon 'Keep your weather-eye open and your tongue housed 'xcept when you've got occasion to use it. If that fellow'd use his eyes more and his tongue less, he'd see your father comin' down the road there, right before the wind, with his old sister in tow." "How I wish he would have let me go with him!" muttered Fred to himself sorrowfully.

At last they found a man who promised to deliver the boat, rebuilt according to Madge's idea, at a little town several miles farther down the bay. The man owned a motor boat. He was to take the houseboat to a landing, where the girls could load it with the necessary supplies, and then to tow them farther down the bay, until they found the ideal place for their summer holiday.

"Now what can we do for you?" "Please stand by, and let's see if we can get away," answered Frank, "if not we'll have to go on board, and tow the hydroplane behind, but since relieved of so much extra weight the pontoons have risen again; and I expect she'll go."

The people had learnt to depend upon my guidance, and although the interior of the country was unknown to them, they were quite contented that I had had a personal experience of the far south, and they were safe in my hands. The stream was very powerful, and the wind was so variable that it was necessary to tow the vessels.

She was quite new, and not more than fifty tons burden. We took possession of her, but unfortunately, when we were in the act of securing the prisoners, the enemy fired at us from the shore. We had three men severely wounded and the schooner’s crew one. We lost no time in getting the boats ahead to tow her off, and although the enemy’s fire was frequent, it did no further mischief.

The commissioner, in order not to awaken any suspicions in Rollo's mind that he was following him, turned away as soon as he landed, and walked along the tow path down the stream. Rollo went slowly home.

He'd made th' gr-reat foreign iditor an' he'd be fine f'r th' job f'r he's best late at night. "Hogan says th' time has come f'r th' subjick races iv th' wurruld to rejooce us fair wans to their own complexion be batin' us black and blue. Up to now 'twas: 'Sam, ye black rascal, tow in thim eggs or I'll throw ye in th' fire. 'Yassir, says Sam. 'Comin', he says.

The best plan is to stand your ground, and be prepared to keep them off with the butt-end of a mast. Of all experiences in connection with towing, the most exciting is being towed by girls. It is a sensation that nobody ought to miss. It takes three girls to tow always; two hold the rope, and the other one runs round and round, and giggles. They generally begin by getting themselves tied up.

He pawed the dory along, hand over hand, until he reached the Comfort's bow. I heard the thump of the anchor as he dragged it into the dory. Then came the creak and splash of oars. His voice sounded from somewhere ahead. "Head for the light," he shouted. "I'm goin' to tow you in." "In where?" "In ashore. That's Mack'rel Island light. My name's Atwood. I'm keeper of it." I turned to my passenger.