United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The manhood of the nation was divided into groups, and a fresh method of touting for troops was adopted. Married shysters, knowing that at least twenty groups stood between them and a job of work, attested in comparatively large numbers. The single shysters were less reckless so much less reckless, in fact, that compulsion began to materialise at last."

Even the brilliant sunshine, the soft and delicious air, the gay cries and the movement at the wharf, where many Arabs were unloading bales of goods from the ships, or were touting for employment as porters and guides, failed to rouse him. "I must go to bed!" was his sole remark. "My cat, you shall have the best bed in Africa and stay there for a week.

"He did try it," confessed Bobby with hesitation for the second time that day; "but the governor always complained that he had too many other irons in the fire." "He did, did he?" Mr. Bates wanted to know, fixing accusing eyes on Bobby. "Then don't be the fall guy for any other touting. Your old man knew this business dope from Sheepshead Bay to Oakland.

But I learn to talk maybe some like American peoples while I am over there." It sounded plausible enough, the whole story. And if Mrs. East had snapped the dragoman up under the impression that he came from a man she had determined to meet, the fellow might be no more to blame than any other boaster, touting in his own interest.

"Touting for the red-haired bagman," he said, as Ernest could be seen swinging up the path. "Supposing I am, what then?" I asked, regarding him with a level glance, and feeling more respect for his intelligence than I had heretofore experienced. "Oh, well, I suppose all is fair in some things."