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"Joussiez du bien d'être admis A toutes ces sortes de glorie Pour nous le temple de mémoire Est dans le coeurs de nos amis." These lines have been thus vigorously translated in the interesting sketch given by Mrs. Child of Madame Roland: "To man's aspiring sex 'tis given To climb the highest hill of fame; To tread the shortest road to heaven, And gain by death a deathless name.

Ah, I have no business to joke, you look so solemn; you think my tricks are satanic; but what was it in your book, 'C'est moi, l'Eternel, qui fais toutes les choses la'?" and as Zachariah advanced to the doors he made him a bow with a grace which no lady of quality could have surpassed. He walked home with many unusual thoughts.

"Toutes les propriétés que nous trouvons en la chose qui pense ne sont que des façons différentes de penser." Ibid. 96.

Azara says, "Je crois que la quantite annuelle des pluies est, dans toutes ces contrees, plus considerable qu'en Espagne." Vol. i. p. 36. In South America I collected altogether twenty-seven species of mice, and thirteen more are known from the works of Azara and other authors. Those collected by myself have been named and described by Mr. Waterhouse at the meetings of the Zoological Society.

From these sources, effects were likely to arise fully as important as those which had formerly arisen from the jarring interests of the religious sects. It is a species of faction which "breaks the locality of public affections." "Toutes les révolutions civiles et politiques ont eu une patrie, et s'y sont enfermées.

"A young woman, whose name I hardly know, came to me in the garden this morning to ask for help to get some lady-like work to do. After discussing that subject threadbare, she came in here for a rose, and, apropos of nothing, made me a declaration and a proposal of honorable wedlock, dans toutes les formes." "The forms were evident as I entered," said Mrs. Belding, dryly.

It was, thank God, but a slight one; but it was 'dans toutes les formes'; for it was preceded by a pain in my loins, which I at first took for some remains of my rheumatism; but was soon convinced of my mistake, by making water much blacker than coffee, with a prodigious sediment of gravel. I am now perfectly easy again, and have no more indications of this complaint.

Mie Mie is more satisfied with his talents; she thought him an excellent Escaramouche; ce seroit quelque chose au moins. But I am more disposed to think that Mr. Lewis is in the right, and I hope, for the young nobleman's own sake, that toutes les fois qu'il s'avise de se donner en spectacle, et faire de pareilles folies, il aura manque a sa vocation.

The master of the ceremonies was shouting out his commands in bastard French: "Tournez!" "À votre place!" "Prenez la donne!" "Dansez toutes!" Eyes were sparkling, cheeks were flushing, lips were parting as gay activity created warmth in bodies and hearts. Then would come the tarantella, with Gaspare spinning like a top and tripping like a Folly in a veritable madness of movement.

His grandson, however, who was present, qualified this sweeping statement by the remark, sotto voce, that many of them were "nothing." The conversation then turned upon the subject of Cavalier and his exploits, when our entertainer launched out into a description of the battle of Martinargues, in which the Royalists had been "toutes abattus."