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The King left us in order to capture Douai, then Tournay, and finally the whole of Flanders; while the Queen continued to show me every sign of her sincere and trustful friendship.

Before the session was over, Ryhove left the city, pretending a visit to Tournay. No sooner had he left the gates, however, than he turned his horse's head in the opposite direction, and rode off post haste to Antwerp. There he had a conference with William of Orange, and painted in lively colors the alarming position of affairs.

"Madame la Comtesse de Tournay de Basserive," said Lord Grenville, introducing the lady. "This is a pleasure, Madame; my royal father, as you know, is ever glad to welcome those of your compatriots whom France has driven from her shores." "Your Royal Highness is ever gracious," replied the Comtesse with becoming dignity.

"Oh! have no fear for Armand, sweetheart," he said tenderly, "did I not pledge you my word that he should be safe? He with de Tournay and the others are even now on board the DAY DREAM." "But how?" she gasped, "I do not understand."

The Comte Detricand de Tournay God rest him! died in the Jersey Isle, with him they called Rullecour." "Well, well, you might at least remember this," rejoined the other, and with a smile he showed an old scar in the palm of his hand.

Charles, on the other hand, was quite capable of taking it all seriously, wholly unconscious that he had not cut the lion's claws for once and all. Tournay elected four deputies. By April 30th, they had returned home, and on May 2d they made a report. The items of expenditure are very exact. So hard had they ridden that a fine horse costing eleven crowns was used up and was sold for four crowns.

'Don't know, replied Seedeybuck, twirling his moustache, 'don't know have a presentiment he won't. 'Sure to come! exclaimed Captain Bouncey, knocking the ashes off his cigar on to the fine Tournay carpet.

The Prince of Parma had recently come before Cambray with the intention of reducing that important city. On the arrival of Anjou, however, at the head of five thousand cavalry nearly all of them gentlemen of high degree, serving as volunteers and of twelve thousand infantry, Alexander raised the siege precipitately, and retired towards Tournay.

I am five feet eleven, and the Comte de Tournay was five feet ten which is no lie," he added under his breath. "I have a scar, but it's over my left shoulder and not over my right which is also no lie," he added under his breath. "De Tournay's hair was brown, and mine, you see, is almost a dead black fever did that," he added under his breath.

"Lights in the drawing-rooms, it is growing dark." Lord L'Estrange followed the usurer upstairs; admired everything, pictures, draperies, Sevres china, to the very shape of the downy fauteuils, to the very pattern of the Tournay carpets.