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'You don't know that Bower's found it all out, and is telling everybody? 'Found all what out? I haven't been to the shop for a week. What do you mean? Ackroyd checked some impulsive words, and recommenced gravely: 'Look here, Totty. Will you please tell me in plain words what you supposed I was asking you about on Tuesday night? 'All right. It's nothing to me.

When her truer mind was restored, she knew that the reproach was a foolish one. More likely it was she herself who was to blame for having always nourished a prejudice against Totty. At present, Thyrza's anxiety to go out was another detail connecting itself with Ackroyd's summons. Something unexplained was in progress between those three, Totty and Ackroyd and Thyrza.

Now, he'd like to make a lady of me; he'll wait a long time till he gets the chance! 'But wouldn't it be nice, Totty? Thyrza asked, doubtfully. 'I'd sooner live in my own way, thank you. Fancy me havin' to sit proper at a table, afraid to eat an' drink! What's the use o' livin', if you don't enjoy yourself?

When the time came, and she had to make an excuse, Thyrza said that she too would go out; she wanted to see Totty. 'You'll tell Gilbert? Lydia replied, afraid to make any opposition herself. 'No. He'd say it wasn't good for me to go out, and I want to go. You won't say anything, Lyddy? 'I ought to, dear. You're not well enough to go, that's quite certain. 'I won't be long.

'Or at all events, I hope they can come and see you. 'Shall you still work at the same shop? Totty asked, paying no attention to the last remark. 'Yes, for a bit at all events. 'Why don't you start a shop of your own, Mr. Bunce? she next inquired, as if a happy idea had struck her. 'I shouldn't mind doing that, he answered, with a hard laugh. 'But shops can't be had for the wishing.

Totty named another song; the faint resistance was overcome, and again the room hushed itself, every hearer spellbound. It was a voice well worthy of cultivation, excellent in compass, with rare sweet power. Again the rapturous applause, and again the demand for more. Another! she should not refuse them. Only one more and they would be content.

Luke seemed to be going further on, and, to the girl's surprise, he did so, whilst Mr. Poole entered. He turned to the left, this time into Newport Street. Totty felt a strange tightness at her chest, for all at once she guessed what his purpose was. It was still only half-past ten; people were moving about.

Both he and all his people were anticipating pleasant feasts of maize-bread, and "hominy," with "mash and milk," and various other dishes, that with Totty's skill could be manufactured out of the Indian corn. About this time an incident occurred that nearly deprived them, not only of their whole plot of maize-plants, but also of their valuable housekeeper, Totty. It was as follows:

Probably he could not have told you, with any approach to accuracy, how often he had been in love, or fancied himself so, and for Ackroyd being in love was, to tell the truth, a matter of vastly more importance than all the political and social and religious questions in the world. He and Totty were still on the terms of that compact which had Christmas in view.

Many such tales are current in the country of the boors, and they are not all without foundation, for these animals most certainly possess the power of reflection in a high degree. Totty from her perch saw enough to convince her of this, had she been herself inclined to philosophise. But she was not.